Captivating and controversial, In the Shadow, is the story of Bob Younger, the sixth of the Younger Brothers of Missouri. As a boy, Bob's privileged life is irrevocably altered through a horrific series of events during the Kansas-Missouri Border War and ensuing War Between the States. After his brother Cole becomes immersed in the deadly guerilla force of William Clarke Quantrill, a vendetta is launched against the Youngers by men who won't be satisfied until the family's home, enterprises, land and lives are systematically destroyed. As Bob grows into his adolescence, Cole turns to a life...
Captivating and controversial, In the Shadow, is the story of Bob Younger, the sixth of the Younger Brothers of Missouri. As a boy, Bob's privileged l...
This new edition of Freebirds: The Lynyrd Skynyrd Story contains important new material: a new chapter updating the professional and personal activity of the band since the book's publication in 2002, and author commentary on the bandd's activities, interactions and legacy. Based on one-on-one interviews with members of Lynyrd Skynyrd, their families, friends, business associates, and fans, Freebirds is the first narrative biography to fully examine the roots, evolution, and success of the most hard-rocking, hard-living band in rock 'n roll history.
From "Freebird" and "Sweet Home...
This new edition of Freebirds: The Lynyrd Skynyrd Story contains important new material: a new chapter updating the professional and personal activ...