Schriftsteller werden erschien in den U.S.A. erstmals 1934 und gilt als Klassiker ber den schpferischen Proze des Schreibens und den inneren Weg zur Entwicklung der Schriftstellerpersnlichkeit. Die Autorin gibt handfeste Ratschlge und erprobte Tips aus ihren Schriftstellerseminaren, ergnzt durch viele praktische bungen.Um von Handbchern, die sich mit den handwerklichen Aspekten des Schreibens befassen, richtig profitieren zu knnen, sollte jeder angehende Schriftsteller zunchst dieses Buch lesen.
Schriftsteller werden erschien in den U.S.A. erstmals 1934 und gilt als Klassiker ber den schpferischen Proze des Schreibens und den inneren Weg zur E...
"Eminently sensible and practical."- The New York Times Book Review A true lost classic that can take your life to its fullest potential. What if you were promised a simple, 8-word formula that could turn your life around? Would you believe it? Would you try it? Here it is: Act as if it were impossible to fail This magic key is at the heart of one of the most persuasive self-improvement books ever published - a work that, while forgotten, rivaled the popularity of contemporaneous books by Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie. It was called Wake Up and Live ,...
"Eminently sensible and practical."- The New York Times Book Review A true lost classic that can take your life to its fullest potential...
"Eminently sensible and practical." - The New York Times Book Review **** "A simple and usable technique of living...All I want to do is to buttonhole each and every one of my friends and say, 'You must read Wake up and Live '" - Jean Starr Untermeyer **** "Fascinating and exactly the spring tonic that most of us need." - Chicago Tribune **** "She made her own test with sincerity and faith, and her entire life was changed to one of overwhelming success." - Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
"Eminently sensible and practical." - The New York Times Book Review **** "A simple and usable technique of living...All I want to do is to buttonhole...
-Eminently sensible and practical.- - The New York Times Book Review **** -A simple and usable technique of living...All I want to do is to buttonhole each and every one of my friends and say, 'You must read Wake up and Live '- - Jean Starr Untermeyer **** -Fascinating and exactly the spring tonic that most of us need.- - Chicago Tribune **** -She made her own test with sincerity and faith, and her entire life was changed to one of overwhelming success.- - Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret
-Eminently sensible and practical.- - The New York Times Book Review **** -A simple and usable technique of living...All I want to do is to buttonhole...