Natural Attenuation: CERCLA, RBCAs, and the Future of Environmental Remediation presents the concept of natural attenuation-the tendency of soils to severly limit the toxicity of many types of hazardous waste. It reviews and updates the most recent findings from the field and lab and shows how natural attenuation is rapidly changing the direction and focus of environmental remediation. Outlining the legal and regulatory framework that has made waste remediation so costly, this book shows how applying an understanding of natural attenuation can decrease cleanup outlays while lowering risks to...
Natural Attenuation: CERCLA, RBCAs, and the Future of Environmental Remediation presents the concept of natural attenuation-the tendency of soils to s...
Outlines atomistic controls on mineral surface structure and reactions; applies these concepts to explain sorption, mineral corrosion and growth; and considers the role of surfaces in environmental and geochemical processes. This book also stresses the linkage between fundamentals of mineral surface science and specific real-world problems.
Outlines atomistic controls on mineral surface structure and reactions; applies these concepts to explain sorption, mineral corrosion and growth; and ...