Brady offers detailed interpretations of an individual's natal heliacal rising and setting stars--stars that yield insight into the nature of one's soul and spiritual path. Additionally she provides a comprehensive listing of the meaning of every star when combined with all the planets and nodal axis, for natal as well as predictive use.
Brady offers detailed interpretations of an individual's natal heliacal rising and setting stars--stars that yield insight into the nature of one's so...
Astrologische Prognose erfordert einerseits eine Kenntnis der verschiedenen Techniken, andererseits darf eine intuitive Synthese nicht fehlen. Brady zeigt in diesem Lehrbuch, wie man beide Fähigkeiten erlernt und damit zu guten Ergebnissen kommt. Insofern ist dieses Buch nicht nur ideal für Einsteiger in die astrologische Prognose. Auch dem erfahrenen Astrologen eröffnen sich viele neue Methoden oder eine andere Sichtweise auf bekannte Verfahren. Sie behandelt Transite, Progressionen, Wiederkehrhoroskope, Finsternisse oder die Mondphasen in der Prognose. Zu allen Methoden gibt es Beispiele...
Astrologische Prognose erfordert einerseits eine Kenntnis der verschiedenen Techniken, andererseits darf eine intuitive Synthese nicht fehlen. Brady z...
This work radically rethinks astrology's place in society. Emerging when cultures were embedded in chaotic creation mythology, astrology has persisted into modern society. Reasons for this longevity are an enigma, yet the answer may lie in chaos theory and complexity. These theories reveal that the themes of coincidence and cycles, constitutive of chaotic creation mythologies, are in fact the common features of a lived life experience. Brady argues that astrology is actually a vernacular expression of chaos and complexity, and it thus offers insights into the efficacy of the synchronicities...
This work radically rethinks astrology's place in society. Emerging when cultures were embedded in chaotic creation mythology, astrology has persisted...