This is the true-life story of a young man's decline into criminal behavior and the resultant years he spent in prison. The author recalls the circumstances that shaped his decisions, including the grief they caused him. He bares his stricken soul to the reader in a candid and compelling manner. He eventually finds his way out of the prison system and a life of crime through the insights he gained while in therapy in Vacaville. This book takes the reader through his journey - A Long Journey Home.
This is the true-life story of a young man's decline into criminal behavior and the resultant years he spent in prison. The author recalls the circums...
Mike will take you on a journey which might revolutionize your understanding and thinking about your God-given purpose and identity. On this journey, you will discover that God's blueprint for you includes a generous amount of room to search, to discover, to think. God does not want soft, moldy-brained placeholders dangling like soulless puppets on life's stage. He wants minds and hearts in relationship with Him that are deep, thoughtful, emotional, passionate, and engaged. He wants to share a relationship with you that grows deeper each and every day of your life, sparked by the discovery...
Mike will take you on a journey which might revolutionize your understanding and thinking about your God-given purpose and identity. On this journe...
This is the first of three volumes written by a real expert in the field. This book will not only tell you how to invest in gold but gives you a complete knowledge of the precious metal, its history, the pitfalls of investment, including all the scams that you need to look out for as well as the many different products which are available to the serious investor. So whether you are interested in gold for its own sake or whether you are intending to add to or start a gold coin collection, you will find this a very helpful volume to put you on the right path. The author does not pull his...
This is the first of three volumes written by a real expert in the field. This book will not only tell you how to invest in gold but gives you a compl...