Francois Vitral-Durand Francois Vital-Durand Braddick Oliver
This book provides an up-to-date overview by leading international aut horities on normal and pathological infant visual development, spannin g the disciplines of neuroscience, psychology, ophthalmology, optometr y, and pediatrics. Topics include the development of retinal receptors; infant sensitivity to detail, color, contrast, and movement; binocul arity, eye movements, and refraction; and cognitive processing. The bo ok also covers children's visual defects such as amblyopia and catarac ts.
This book provides an up-to-date overview by leading international aut horities on normal and pathological infant visual development, spannin g the di...
How does the genome, interacting with the multi-faceted environment, translate into the development by which the human brain achieves its astonishing, adaptive array of cognitive and behavioral capacities? Why and how does this process sometimes lead to neurodevelopmental disorders with a major, lifelong personal and social impact?
This volume of Progress in Brain Research links findings on the structural development of the human brain, the expression of genes in behavioral and cognitive phenotypes, environmental effects on brain development, and developmental...
How does the genome, interacting with the multi-faceted environment, translate into the development by which the human brain achieves its astonishi...