1964 reist Nicolas Bouvier zusammen mit seiner schwangeren Frau Eliane und seinem kleinen Sohn Thomas nach Japan. Seine Impressionen schreibt er in den "Grünen Heften" nieder - Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, die zum Teil auch in die "Japanische Chronik" einflossen, ein Werk, in dem Bouvier Reiseschilderung, historische Studie über die europäische Entdeckung Japans und persönliche Reflexion verband. Fragmentarische Szenen dokumentieren Bouviers Erfahrungen und Gefühle gegenüber einem Land, das ihm bis zum Ende seines Aufenthalts fremd bleiben wird. Vielleicht gehört "Das Leere und das Volle"...
1964 reist Nicolas Bouvier zusammen mit seiner schwangeren Frau Eliane und seinem kleinen Sohn Thomas nach Japan. Seine Impressionen schreibt er in de...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheless a difficult country to understand as a whole. Whereas individual Swiss cities have strong identities in the international political, cultural, and economic arenas, the country itself seems to be less than the sum of its parts. To capture the elusive spirit of Switzerland, four eminent writers explore the roots of its political unity and cultural diversity in a series of urban portraits. Their observations make for both good storytelling and insightful social commentary.
Nicolas Bouvier...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheless a difficult country to understand as a whole. Wh...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheless a difficult country to understand as a whole. Whereas individual Swiss cities have strong identities in the international political, cultural, and economic arenas, the country itself seems to be less than the sum of its parts. To capture the elusive spirit of Switzerland, four eminent writers explore the roots of its political unity and cultural diversity in a series of urban portraits. Their observations make for both good storytelling and insightful social commentary.
Nicolas Bouvier...
Recognized by historians and politicians as a model for European unity, Switzerland is nonetheless a difficult country to understand as a whole. Wh...