Adressing a range of issues and debates in the natural and social sciences, this work provides a sociological analysis of science which enables readers to understand the social mechanisms which shape scientific practice.
Adressing a range of issues and debates in the natural and social sciences, this work provides a sociological analysis of science which enables reader...
Pierre Bourdieu is best known as one of the world's leading sociologists. Containing his famous addresses to the assembled media masses, this work addresses both social movement activists and the establishment itself.
Pierre Bourdieu is best known as one of the world's leading sociologists. Containing his famous addresses to the assembled media masses, this work add...
Provides readers with sociological and anthropological insight into the interaction of occupation, social class and marriage and how these factors effect and affect smaller communities. This book offers an analysis of the disintegration of rural communitie
Provides readers with sociological and anthropological insight into the interaction of occupation, social class and marriage and how these factors eff...
One of the worlda s leading social thinkers, Bourdieua s work has become increasingly influential throughout the social sciences and humanities. In this new book he embarks on a sociological analysis of science and its legitimacy.
One of the worlda s leading social thinkers, Bourdieua s work has become increasingly influential throughout the social sciences and humanities. In th...
How can we affirm the independence of critical artists and intellectuals when confronted by the new crusaders of Western culture, the neo-conservative champions of morality and good taste, the sponsorship of multinationals and the patronage of the state, and the self-indulgent preoccupations of fashionable theorists who have lost all touch with reality? How can we safeguard the world of free exchange which is, and must remain, the world of artists, writers and scholars? These are some of the questions discussed by the leading social thinker Pierre Bourdieu and the artist Hans Haacke in this...
How can we affirm the independence of critical artists and intellectuals when confronted by the new crusaders of Western culture, the neo-conservative...
Pierre Bourdieu Jean-Claude Passeron Jean-Claude Chamboredon
The work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has emerged, over the last two decades, as one of the most substantial and innovative bodies of theory and research in contemporary social science. The Craft of Sociology, both a textbook and an original contribution to epistemology in social science, focuses on a basic problem of sociological research: the necessity of an epistemological break with the preconstructed objects social practice offers to the researcher. Pierre Bourdieu and his co-authors argue in the epistemological tradition of scholars like Bachelard, Canguilhem, Koyre, a...
The work of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu has emerged, over the last two decades, as one of the most substantial and innovative bodies of the...
Pierre Bourdieu Lawrence D. Kritzman Randal Johnson
A collection of the author's essays on art and literature, which expounds Bourdieu's theory of a cultural field that situates artistic works within the social conditions of their production, circulation and consumption.
A collection of the author's essays on art and literature, which expounds Bourdieu's theory of a cultural field that situates artistic works within th...
Education depends crucially on language: knowledge and skills are taught through a process of linguistic exchange. But how much of the language used by teachers and professors is actually understood by students? To what extent does the social background of students affect their capacity to understand the language used in the classroom or the lecture hall? Why do students and teachers overestimate the success of the educational process and underestimate the degree of misunderstanding involved? In this important work Pierre Bourdieu and his associates explore these and other questions through a...
Education depends crucially on language: knowledge and skills are taught through a process of linguistic exchange. But how much of the language used b...
Martin Heidegger's overt alliance with the Nazis and the specific relation between this alliance and his philosophical thought--the degree to which his concepts are linked to a thoroughly disreputable set of political beliefs--have been the topic of a storm of recent debate. Written ten years before this debate, this study by France's leading sociologist and cultural theorist is both a precursor of that debate and an analysis of the institutional mechanisms involved in the production of philosophical discourse. Though Heidegger is aware of and acknowledges the legitimacy of purely...
Martin Heidegger's overt alliance with the Nazis and the specific relation between this alliance and his philosophical thought--the degree to which hi...
This volume of interviews, lectures and informal talks provides an introduction to Bourdieu's work and highlights some of the issues which are at the forefront of the sociology of culture today.
This volume of interviews, lectures and informal talks provides an introduction to Bourdieu's work and highlights some of the issues which are at the ...