Anatoli Boukreev G. Weston Dewalt G. Weston Dewalt
Everest, the major motion picture from Universal Pictures, is set for wide release on September 18, 2015. Read The Climb, Anatoli Boukreev (portrayed by Ingvar Sigurosson in the film) and G. Weston DeWalt's compelling account of those fateful events on Everest.
In May 1996 three expeditions attempted to climb Mount Everest on the Southeast Ridge route pioneered by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953. Crowded conditions slowed their progress. Late in the day twenty-three men and women-including expedition leaders Scott Fischer and Rob Hall-were caught in a...
Everest, the major motion picture from Universal Pictures, is set for wide release on September 18, 2015. Read The Climb, Anatoli Bou...
When Anatoli Boukreev died on the slopes of Annapurna on Christmas day, 1997, the world lost one of the greatest adventurers of our time.
In Above the Clouds, both the man and his incredible climbs on Mt. McKinley, K2, Makalu, Manaslu, and Everest-including his diary entries on the infamous 1996 disaster, written shortly after his return-are immortalized. There also are minute technical details about the skill of mountain climbing, as well as personal reflections on what life means to someone who risks it every day. Fully illustrated with gorgeous color photos, Above the...
When Anatoli Boukreev died on the slopes of Annapurna on Christmas day, 1997, the world lost one of the greatest adventurers of our time.
Anatoli Boukreev, der russische Bergfhrer aus Scott Fischers Expedition, schildert die Ereignisse an jenem verhngnisvollen 10. Mai 1996 aus seiner Sicht.Der Russe Anatoli Boukreev hat elf der vierzehn Achttausender ohne Hilfe von Sauerstoff bestiegen und galt als einer der besten Bergsteiger der Welt. An dem verhngnisvollen 10. Mai 1996, als in der Todeszone auf dem Mount Everest fnf Menschen starben, nahm er als Fhrer an Scott Fischers Expedition teil und kmpfte sich mehrmals durch den peitschen Wind, um Expeditionsteilnehmer vor dem sicheren Tod zu retten.
Anatoli Boukreev, der russische Bergfhrer aus Scott Fischers Expedition, schildert die Ereignisse an jenem verhngnisvollen 10. Mai 1996 aus seiner Sic...