The text (with the exception of a few bracketed passages) is derived entirely from Napoleon's own words, written and spoken. What truth this book conveys is not to be sought according to those rules for the treatment of historical documents which it avowedly contravenes, but in such psychological illumination of a great career and character as the method employed has rendered possible. For objectively Napoleon rarely, if ever, speaks the truth; yet subjectively how can he speak otherwise?
The text (with the exception of a few bracketed passages) is derived entirely from Napoleon's own words, written and spoken. What truth this book conv...
LOVE LETTERS OF GREAT MEN (Volume 1) is an anthology of romantic love letters written by leading male historical figures. *** The book plays a key role in the plot of the US movie Sex and the City. *** When Carrie Bradshaw in the "Sex and the City" movie began reading the book Love Letters of Great Men, millions of women wanted to get their hands on the book. Of course, what could be more romantic than an entire book of love letters, written by men *** The book includes love letters written by Ludwig van Beethoven, Pietro Bembo, Napolean Bonaparte, Rupert Brooke, Robert Browning, Robert...
LOVE LETTERS OF GREAT MEN (Volume 1) is an anthology of romantic love letters written by leading male historical figures. *** The book plays a key rol...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His military campaigns across Europe sparked the Napoleonic Wars (1803 1815) and profoundly shaped European political and economic activities during the early nineteenth century. These volumes, edited by military officer and historian Denis Arthur Bingham and first published in 1884, contain translations of a selection of Bonaparte's letters. Bonaparte was a prolific letter writer, and the translations in these volumes describe a variety of domestic and...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His milit...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His military campaigns across Europe sparked the Napoleonic Wars (1803 1815) and profoundly shaped European political and economic activities during the early nineteenth century. These volumes, edited by military officer and historian Denis Arthur Bingham and first published in 1884, contain translations of a selection of Bonaparte's letters. Bonaparte was a prolific letter writer, and the translations in these volumes describe a variety of domestic and...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His milit...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His military campaigns across Europe sparked the Napoleonic Wars (1803 1815) and profoundly shaped European political and economic activities during the early nineteenth century. These volumes, edited by military officer and historian Denis Arthur Bingham and first published in 1884, contain translations of a selection of Bonaparte's letters. Bonaparte was a prolific letter writer, and the translations in these volumes describe a variety of domestic and...
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 1821) is best remembered for establishing the First French Empire, declaring himself Emperor of the French in 1804. His milit...
Im Spatsommer 1795 trifft der junge General Napoleon die sechs Jahre altere Witwe Josephine de Beauharnais. Er verliebt sich leidenschaftlich in die eigenwillige und charmante Person und macht sie ein Jahr spater zu seiner Frau. Es folgen turbulente Jahre, in denen die beiden nicht nur das beruhmteste Liebespaar, sondern auch das machtigste Herrscherpaar in Europa werden. Obwohl Napoleon 1809 schliesslich die Scheidung erzwingt, um sich wiederzuverheiraten und den ersehnten Thronfolger zeugen zu konnen, bricht die Beziehung zwischen den beiden nicht ab. Noch bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahr 1814...
Im Spatsommer 1795 trifft der junge General Napoleon die sechs Jahre altere Witwe Josephine de Beauharnais. Er verliebt sich leidenschaftlich in die e...
"Decret imperial portant organisation de l'Universite" par Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte etait un general, premier consul, puis empereur des Francais (1769-1821)."
"Decret imperial portant organisation de l'Universite" par Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte etait un general, premier consul, puis empereur des ...
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable p...