American dominion has begun breeding widespread dysfunction, resistance, and opposition likely to make the 21st century a time of sustained, generally unanticipated blowback. Masters of War reminds us that worldwide economic and military dominance has its price.
American dominion has begun breeding widespread dysfunction, resistance, and opposition likely to make the 21st century a time of sustained, generally...
Consuming nearly USD350 billion annually - or roughly 22 times the combined total of the seven most purportedly menacing states - the sprawling Pentagon imperium deploys more than 350 major bases around the world, crucial to monitoring and protecting world order. Even as the US continues to celebrate the virtues of international order, human rights and democracy, its ruling elites have become increasingly reckless and violent, brazenly violating many of the global norms and laws they pretend to uphold. American dominion has begun breeding widespread dysfunction, resistance, and opposition...
Consuming nearly USD350 billion annually - or roughly 22 times the combined total of the seven most purportedly menacing states - the sprawling Pentag...
mil-i-ta-rism, n, A military state or condition; reliance on military force in administering government. A characteristic of regimes like the Soviet Union or communist China, militarism is rarely associated with American society and government. Rather, Americans see their nation as the peaceful mediator, intervening in world affairs only to "make the world safe for democracy." The uncomfortable reality, however, scarcely fits this kind of fanciful mythology. In this hard-hitting critique, Carl Boggs argues that the United States is dominated by a new militarism, one that has become more...
mil-i-ta-rism, n, A military state or condition; reliance on military force in administering government. A characteristic of regimes like the Soviet U...
A World in Chaos: Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema traces the evolution of postmodern cinema through its multiple and overlapping expressions. Through an analysis of films such as American Beauty, Blade Runner, Natural Born Killers, and Thelma and Loiuse, Carl Boggs and Thomas Pollard explore the historical and theoretical shift from the long era of modernity to an emergent postmodernity and examine its intersection with film culture. Unlike most works on media studies, Boggs and Pollard bring together elements of sociology, history, economics, literature, communications, and...
A World in Chaos: Social Crisis and the Rise of Postmodern Cinema traces the evolution of postmodern cinema through its multiple and overlapping expre...
Imperial Nations advance their own interests by exploiting other societies. To those on the receiving end this is obvious, while inside the empire, a powerful ideological system of justification tends to hide all but the worst excess. Carl Boggs argues that that the US began life two centuries ago as a nascent colonialist regime plundering and conquering the Native Tribes. The Indian wars were followed by perpetual militarism and warfare fuelled by a deep sense of national exceptionalism. The Crimes Of Empire examines several trends in this process, and illustrates the new depths plumbed...
Imperial Nations advance their own interests by exploiting other societies. To those on the receiving end this is obvious, while inside the empire, a ...
Imperial Nations advance their own interests by exploiting other societies. To those on the receiving end this is obvious, while inside the empire, a powerful ideological system of justification tends to hide all but the worst excess. Carl Boggs argues that that the US began life two centuries ago as a nascent colonialist regime plundering and conquering the Native Tribes. The Indian wars were followed by perpetual militarism and warfare fuelled by a deep sense of national exceptionalism. The Crimes Of Empire examines several trends in this process, and illustrates the new depths plumbed...
Imperial Nations advance their own interests by exploiting other societies. To those on the receiving end this is obvious, while inside the empire, a ...
The post-World War II emergence of a full-blown state of perpetual war is arguably the most important feature of contemporary American politics. This book examines the "warfare state" in terms of a broad ensemble of structures, policies, and ideologies: permanent war economy, national security-state, global expansion of military bases, merger of state, corporate, and military power, an imperial presidency, the nuclear establishment, and superpower ambitions. Carl Boggs makes the argument that the "Good War" led to an authoritarian system that has expanded throughout the post-war decades,...
The post-World War II emergence of a full-blown state of perpetual war is arguably the most important feature of contemporary American politics. Th...
The newly expanded and revised edition of The Hollywood War Machine includes wide-ranging exploration of numerous popular military-themed films that have appeared in the close to a decade since the first edition was published. Within the Hollywood movie community, there has not been even the slightest decline in well-financed pictures focusing on warfare and closely-related motifs. The second edition includes a new chapter on recent popular films and another that analyzes the relationship between these movies and the bourgeoning gun culture in the United States, marked in recent...
The newly expanded and revised edition of The Hollywood War Machine includes wide-ranging exploration of numerous popular military-themed fi...