Here, Philip Bobbitt studies the basis for the legitimacy of judicial review by examining six types of constitutional argument--historical, textual, structural, prudential doctrinal, and ethical--through the unusual method of contrasting sketches of prominent legal figures responding to the constitutional crises of their day.
Here, Philip Bobbitt studies the basis for the legitimacy of judicial review by examining six types of constitutional argument--historical, textual, s...
Argues that we need to reforge links that societies have made between law and strategy; to realize how the evolution of modern states has produced a globally networked terrorism that changes as fast as we can identify it; to combine humanitarian interests
Argues that we need to reforge links that societies have made between law and strategy; to realize how the evolution of modern states has produced a g...
Setting the terms for an effective public debate on nuclear issues, this provides essays and excerpts from longer works that have charted the development of American nuclear strategy. Each section ends with questions for study and analysis with suggested further reading.
Setting the terms for an effective public debate on nuclear issues, this provides essays and excerpts from longer works that have charted the developm...