The Psychologist as Expert Witness, Second Edition introduces practitioners to the law and the role of psychologists in the courtroom, covering all facets of forensic practice-one of the most rapidly growing areas of professional specialization. This comprehensive primer prepares the psychologist to function credibly as an expert witness, identifying the current and emerging areas of application of psychology to the law.
Revealing psychology's enormous potential to promote human welfare through the American system of...
The leading resource on forensic practice
The Psychologist as Expert Witness, Second Edition introduces practitioners to the law and the ...
All of the requisite forms forensic psychologists need in one compact volume--a crucial time-saver for mental health professionals in today's complex legal system
From child custody battles to competency hearings, the role of the psychologist in law is growing rapidly. Whether working in the legal context as an expert witness, evaluator, or consultant, it is necessary for the mental health professional to maintain a very high standard of documentation. This requires a detailed knowledge of a large amount of forms, as well as their correct preparation.
Now fully...
All of the requisite forms forensic psychologists need in one compact volume--a crucial time-saver for mental health professionals in today's complex ...