A new understanding of consciousness that helps you to better understand your own and others behavior. Your mind is a self-organized team of specialized independent modules that each take control of your behavior depending upon context. One of these modules, the "self-module," is the verbal interpreter of all of your behavior. However this self-module only controls behavior when you are using self-control. Introspection is thus usually nothing more than self-serving rationalization. Using experimental evidence Blakeslee clearly demonstrates the many mental illusions created by this flawed...
A new understanding of consciousness that helps you to better understand your own and others behavior. Your mind is a self-organized team of specializ...
Happiness and good health can decline or improve with age depending upon important mental habits learned in childhood. Viewing the mind as a self-organizing system, Blakeslee shows how we can improve our attitudes by reorganizing "critical moments" where a tiny effort can profoundly affect future development to help you identify unhealthy attitudes, attitude tests given to three thousand elderly people in 1973 are included. Follow-ups 21 years later showed an amazing correlation between scores on these tests and good health. The 300 people with highest scores were 30 times more likely to be...
Happiness and good health can decline or improve with age depending upon important mental habits learned in childhood. Viewing the mind as a self-orga...
A personal journey of love by the wife of comedian Ron Landry. Twenty-one years of conflict and discontent are transformed into bliss when Margo and Ron learn to practice a daily ritual of sexual and spiritual connection. This Tantric ritual transforms their relationship from frequent pain and doubt to 21 years of love and joy which ends only when Ron dies of cancer. Finding a new love at the age of 65, Margo finds that the magic of daily connection is easily taught to her new love. It becomes the basis of another blissful relationship which is still going strong today after nine years. This...
A personal journey of love by the wife of comedian Ron Landry. Twenty-one years of conflict and discontent are transformed into bliss when Margo and R...