This book addresses several aspects of the law and economics of intellectual property rights (IPRs) that have been underanalyzed in the existing literature. The authors demonstrate that the core assumption of IPR regimes--that IPRs maximize certain social benefits over social costs by providing a necessary inducement for the production and distribution of intellectual products--has several important implications for the optimal design of remedies, the standard of care, and the law of standing and joinder.
This book addresses several aspects of the law and economics of intellectual property rights (IPRs) that have been underanalyzed in the existing liter...
This book describes in much detail both how and why franchising works. It also analyses the economic tensions that contribute to conflict in the franchisor-frnachisee relationship. The treatment includes a great deal of empirical evidence on franchising, its importance in various segments of the economy, the terms of franchise contracts, and what we know about how all these have evolved over time, especially in the U.S. market. A good many myths are dispelled in the process. The economic analysis of the franchisor-franchisee relationship begins with the observation that for franchisors,...
This book describes in much detail both how and why franchising works. It also analyses the economic tensions that contribute to conflict in the franc...
This book addresses several aspects of the law and economics of intellectual property rights (IPRs) that have been underanalyzed in the existing literature. The authors demonstrate that the core assumption of IPR regimes--that IPRs maximize certain social benefits over social costs by providing a necessary inducement for the production and distribution of intellectual products--has several important implications for the optimal design of remedies, the standard of care, and the law of standing and joinder.
This book addresses several aspects of the law and economics of intellectual property rights (IPRs) that have been underanalyzed in the existing liter...
This book describes in much detail both how and why franchising works. It also analyses the economic tensions that contribute to conflict in the franchisor-frnachisee relationship. The treatment includes a great deal of empirical evidence on franchising, its importance in various segments of the economy, the terms of franchise contracts, and what we know about how all these have evolved over time, especially in the U.S. market. A good many myths are dispelled in the process. The economic analysis of the franchisor-franchisee relationship begins with the observation that for franchisors,...
This book describes in much detail both how and why franchising works. It also analyses the economic tensions that contribute to conflict in the franc...
More than any other area of regulation, antitrust economics shapes law and policy in the United States, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In a number of different areas of antitrust, advances in theory and empirical work have caused a fundamental reevaluation and shift of some of the assumptions behind antitrust policy. This reevaluation has profound implications for the future of the field. The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics has collected chapters from many of the leading figures in antitrust. In doing so, this two volume Handbook provides an important reference guide...
More than any other area of regulation, antitrust economics shapes law and policy in the United States, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In a number of...
More than any other area of regulation, antitrust economics shapes law and policy in the United States, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In a number of different areas of antitrust, advances in theory and empirical work have caused a fundamental reevaluation and shift of some of the assumptions behind antitrust policy. This reevaluation has profound implications for the future of the field.
The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics has collected chapters from many of the leading figures in antitrust. In doing so, this two volume Handbook provides an important...
More than any other area of regulation, antitrust economics shapes law and policy in the United States, the Americas, Europe, and Asia. In a number of...