Brings together previously unpublished works from two different periods of Bion's career which are linked by the concept of classifying and conceptualizing thought. The first paper 'The Grid' dates from 1963, the second part consists of transcripts of two tape-recordings made by Bion in 1977 reflecting his interest in 'stray' thoughts.
Brings together previously unpublished works from two different periods of Bion's career which are linked by the concept of classifying and conceptual...
The Italian Seminars, previously unpublished in English, comprises lectures W.R. Bion gave in Rome in 1977. The volume consists of questions from the floor and Bion's fascinating, and sometimes controversial, answers. The lectures are divided in two; the first part was organized by the Italian Psychoanalytical Society and the second by the Group Research of Via Polliolo. Bion's replies examine subjects as diverse as difficulties in the interaction between the therapist and the patient; music and psychoanalysis; non-verbal communication in the consulting room; and methodology in...
The Italian Seminars, previously unpublished in English, comprises lectures W.R. Bion gave in Rome in 1977. The volume consists of questions from the ...
The Tavistock Seminars consists of previously unpublished talks given at the Tavistock Clinic between 1976 and 1979 by the leading psychoanalyst W.R. Bion. This volume also includes an interview of Bion by Anthony G. Banet from 1976.
The Tavistock Seminars consists of previously unpublished talks given at the Tavistock Clinic between 1976 and 1979 by the leading psychoanalyst W.R. ...
All My Sins Remembered is the continuation of Wilfred Bion's autobiography, The Long Week-end. Although it is by no means a full account of his 30 years following the First World War--and he wrote no more--his memories of that period contrast vividly with the impression we gain of the following thirty years of his life through his letters. -The Other Side of Genius- gives us a glimpse of this remarkable man as his family knew him: those who met him only through his professional work will find here the same characteristic threads of humour, concern for truth, and flashes of...
All My Sins Remembered is the continuation of Wilfred Bion's autobiography, The Long Week-end. Although it is by no means a full account...
Wilfred R. Bion entwickelte, der Kantischen Einsicht folgend, wonach es erst die systematische Einheit sei, die gemeine Erkenntnis zu Wissenschaft mache, eine schematische Darstellung, in der smtliche psychische Phnomene ihren Platz finden: das berhmte Raster, das er als Arbeitsinstrument fr die analytische Praxis verstanden wissen will. Das Ordnen und Kategorisieren des Materials, dem der Analytiker in den Sitzungen begegnet, dient dabei nicht nur dazu, seine Intuition zu schulen und bestimmte Episoden dem Gedchtnis einzuprgen, sondern soll auch helfen, durch Antizipation das Kommende zwar...
Wilfred R. Bion entwickelte, der Kantischen Einsicht folgend, wonach es erst die systematische Einheit sei, die gemeine Erkenntnis zu Wissenschaft mac...
Das vorliegende Buch will die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten befördern, vor allem der Fähigkeit, sich für das Unbekannte in größtmöglicher Offenheit zu interessieren, das sich in jeder neuen psychoanalytischen Begegnung neu ereignet, und ihm durch die Bildung von neuen Gedanken denkend nahezukommen. Eine Voraussetzung für das Erkennen unbewußter Prozesse und eine Voraussetzung, um dieses Buch lesen und verstehen zu können, ist die "negative Fähigkeit", das heißt die Fähigkeit, Unsicherheit zu ertragen. Gedanken entstehen als erstes, sagt Bion; das Denken der Gedanken ist etwas...
Das vorliegende Buch will die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten befördern, vor allem der Fähigkeit, sich für das Unbekannte in größtmöglicher Offenhe...
The Grid, an instrument devised by Bion to help the analyst record and elaborate observations arising from the analytic encounter, demonstrates how mathematics can be applied to locate the development, evolution and transformation of psychic elements and events.Caesura takes its title from Freud's observation: "There is much more continuity between intra-uterine life than the impressive caesura of the act of birth would have us believe". Here Bion speculates on the relationship between physiological and psychological birth, and the possibility that a pre-natal "primitive sensitiveness" may...
The Grid, an instrument devised by Bion to help the analyst record and elaborate observations arising from the analytic encounter, demonstrates how ma...
The complete works of Wilfred Ruprecht Bion will now be available in a coherent and corrected format. Comprising sixteen volumes bound in green cloth, this edition is being brought together and edited by Chris Mawson with the assistance of Francesca Bion. Incorporating many corrections to previously published works, it will also feature previously unpublished papers. Including a full set of indexes and editorial introductions to all the works, these volumes will be a useful and valuable aid to psychoanalytic scholars and clinicians, and all those interested in studying and making use of...
The complete works of Wilfred Ruprecht Bion will now be available in a coherent and corrected format. Comprising sixteen volumes bound in green cloth,...
An influential New York salon host and perpetual seeker of meaning, Mabel Dodge entered psychoanalysis in 1916 with A.A. Brill, the first American psychoanalyst, continuing until she moved to New Mexico in December 1917. In Taos, she met Antonio Luhan, the Pueblo Indian who became her fourth husband in 1923, a radical union that forever altered her turbulent life.
From the beginning of her analysis until 1944, Mabel wrote to Brill and he replied, yielding 122 letters. No other such extensive, elaborate written conversations exist between patient and analyst. This book presents a...
An influential New York salon host and perpetual seeker of meaning, Mabel Dodge entered psychoanalysis in 1916 with A.A. Brill, the first American psy...