Recent attacks on contemporary art have portrayed the erotic content of works by Robert Mapplethorpe and others as if it were a deviation from the Western artistic tradition. On the contrary, there is a rich tradition of eroticism in the arts beginning with the erotic verse of ancient Greek and Roman poets. Games of Venus, the first comprehensive anthology in English of ancient Greek and Roman erotic verse, revives this tradition for the modern reader. Games of Venus presents the whole spectrum of...
Recent attacks on contemporary art have portrayed the erotic content of works by Robert Mapplethorpe and others as if it were a deviation from the Wes...
Blood sacrifice, the ritual slaughter of animals, has been basic to religion through history, so that it survives in spiritualized form even in Christianity. How did this violent phenomenon achieve the status of the sacred? This question is examined in Walter Burkert's famous study.
Blood sacrifice, the ritual slaughter of animals, has been basic to religion through history, so that it survives in spiritualized form even in Christ...
Important research in recent decades, along with the publication of P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309 ('the Milan Posidippus papyrus') in 2001, have reinvigorated the study of Hellenistic epigram. Yet, scholarship on this genre often remains fragmented according to disciplinary sub-specialty and approach: some scholars focus on poets of Meleager's Garland, others on Philip's; some on inscriptional epigram, others on literary; each approaching the genre with different motives and questions. In this volume, expert scholars offer those less familiar with the genre an introduction to all aspects of...
Important research in recent decades, along with the publication of P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309 ('the Milan Posidippus papyrus') in 2001, have reinvigorated ...
"Tradition and originality, the interplay of present and past, are a concern of poets in any age." Peter Bing's seminal monograph, The Well-Read Muse: Present and Past in Callimachus and the Hellenistic Poets, chases this idea through the thickets of Hellenistic poetry and particularly among the lines of Callimachus' Hymn to Delos. In this carefully argued and stimulating study, the author investigates the era in which the written work - the book - superseded the assumption of oral composition and performance. In this and in other respects, as this study demonstrates, Hellenistic poets saw...
"Tradition and originality, the interplay of present and past, are a concern of poets in any age." Peter Bing's seminal monograph, The Well-Read Muse:...
We often think of classical Greek society as a model of rationality and order. Yet as Walter Burkert demonstrates in these influential essays on the history of Greek religion, there were archaic, savage forces surging beneath the outwardly calm face of classical Greece, whose potentially violent and destructive energies, Burkert argues, were harnessed to constructive ends through the interlinked uses of myth and ritual. For example, in a much-cited essay on the Athenian religious festival of the Arrephoria, Burkert uncovers deep connections between this strange nocturnal ritual, in which...
We often think of classical Greek society as a model of rationality and order. Yet as Walter Burkert demonstrates in these influential essays on the h...