This volume looks in depth at the way the brain responds to trauma and subsequently integrates and influences behavioural, metabolic, neurohormonal, cardiovascular and immune functions. It is becoming increasingly clear that the brain has an important role in the control and integration of the responses to injury and infection. It is well established that some of these reponses, such as fever and neuroendocrine changes are directly influenced by the central nervous system. These, and other more recent advances, provide new insights into this area and provide a basis for the more effective...
This volume looks in depth at the way the brain responds to trauma and subsequently integrates and influences behavioural, metabolic, neurohormonal, c...
It is becoming increasingly clear that the brain has an important role in the control and integration of the responses to injury and infection. This is the first volume to look in depth at the way the brain responds to trauma and subsequently integrates and influences behavioral, metabolic, neurohumoral, cardiovascular, and immune functions. It is well established that some of these responses, such as fever and neuroendocrine changes are directly influenced by the central nervous system. These, and other more recent advances, provide new insights into this area and provide a basis for more...
It is becoming increasingly clear that the brain has an important role in the control and integration of the responses to injury and infection. This i...