Seeing is Believing demonstrates that serious dramatic films usually express deeply-running visions of life, designated as Christian, Greek, American or skeptical. The author provides a narrative analysis that investigates these "deep structures," the mythic elements embedded in the films, while paying close attention to the comprehensive meaning of the whole film, not just the themes or implications that may be identified in the film's discrete parts. His analysis introduces a new and exciting method of film interpretation that developed succinctly through a narrative style that shows how...
Seeing is Believing demonstrates that serious dramatic films usually express deeply-running visions of life, designated as Christian, Greek, American ...
What are the implications of a person's faith for Christian social ethics? Robert Benne elaborates a basic theological-ethical framework for engaging the Christian vision with its surrounding public environment--political, ethical, cultural, and intellectual. He offers practical ways in which religious traditions do, in fact, engage the public environment.
What are the implications of a person's faith for Christian social ethics? Robert Benne elaborates a basic theological-ethical framework for engaging ...
Theologian and ethicist Robert Benne addresses the Christian life in its religious and moral dimensions by writing about the vocation of the Christian in daily life. He discusses Christian identity, the call of God, moral development, and marriage and family life, among other topics.
Theologian and ethicist Robert Benne addresses the Christian life in its religious and moral dimensions by writing about the vocation of the Christian...
In this book, Benne describes and analyzes the wrong ways to relate religion and politics and offers a better way. Benne calls the two main bad ways of relating religion and politics -separationism- and -fusionism.- Secular separationists decry all involvement of religion in politics; religious separationists, on the other hand, advocate abstaining from politics in the name of religious purity. Fusionism comes in many types, but the type that most concerns Benne is the use of religion--in this case Christianity--for political ends, which turns religion into an instrument for purposes...
In this book, Benne describes and analyzes the wrong ways to relate religion and politics and offers a better way. Benne calls the two main bad wa...
Few topics can grab headlines and stir passions quite like politics, especially when the church is involved. Considering the attention that many Christian parachurch groups, churches, and individual believers give to politics--and of the varying and sometimes divergent political ideals and aims among them--Five Views on the Church and Politics provides a helpful breakdown of the possible Christian approaches. Readers will find themselves equipped to think more deeply about the relationship between church and state in a way that goes beyond mere policy debates and current...
Few topics can grab headlines and stir passions quite like politics, especially when the church is involved. Considering the attention that many Ch...