In this important book, the author of The Bonds of Love discusses gender issues from the perspective of developmental psychoanalysis. Jessica Benjamin, a well-known psychoanalyst and feminist, makes a case for what she calls "gender heterodoxy"--a highly original view of the similarities and differences between the sexes--and in the process she illuminates aspects of love, sexuality, aggression, and pornography. Benjamin elaborates and develops the psychoanalytic theory of intersubjectivity, taking up the question: What difference does it make when I consider the Other to be not...
In this important book, the author of The Bonds of Love discusses gender issues from the perspective of developmental psychoanalysis. Jessica B...
Why do people submit to authority and derive pleasure even others have over them? What is the appeal of domination and submission, and why are they so prevalent in erotic life? Why is it so difficult for men and women to meet as equals? Why, indeed, do hey continue to recapitulate the positions of master and slave? In The Bonds of Love, noted feminist theorist and psychoanalyst Jessica Benjamin explains why we accept and perpetuate relationships of domination and submission. She reveals that domination is a complex psychological process which ensnares both parties in bonds of...
Why do people submit to authority and derive pleasure even others have over them? What is the appeal of domination and submission, and why are they so...
Shadow of the Other is a discussion of how the individual has two sorts of relationships with an "other"--other beings, other individuals. The first regards the other as an entirely different being from oneself, but one which is still recognizable. The second understands and recognizes this other by its function as a repository of characteristics cast from oneself. In recognizing how this dual relationship is reconciled within the self, and its implications in male/female relations, Jessica Benjamin continues her exploration of intersubjectivity...
Shadow of the Other is a discussion of how the individual has two sorts of relationships with an "other"--o...
In Beyond Doer and Done To, Jessica Benjamin, author of the path-breaking Bonds of Love, expands her theory of mutual recognition and its breakdown into the complementarity of "doer and done to." Her innovative theory charts the growth of the Third in early development through the movement between recognition and breakdown, and shows how it parallels the enactments in the psychoanalytic relationship. Benjamin's recognition theory illuminates the radical potential of acknowledgment in healing both individual and social trauma, in creating relational repair in the...
In Beyond Doer and Done To, Jessica Benjamin, author of the path-breaking Bonds of Love, expands her theory of mutual recognition and...
Menschen, die Krieg, Folter, Verfolgung und Vertreibung erfahren haben, leiden zeitlebens unter den ihnen zugefügten Verletzungen und posttraumatischen Belastungsstörungen. Anhand von Beispielen aus der Gewaltgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts entfaltet Jessica Benjamin Grundzüge einer sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen, intersubjektivitätstheoretischen Psychoanalyse. Mit der Verleihung des Hans-Kilian-Preis für die Erforschung und Förderung der metakulturellen Humanisation an Jessica Benjamin im Jahr 2015 wird deren fächer- und themenübergreifende Arbeit zur Geschlechter-,...
Menschen, die Krieg, Folter, Verfolgung und Vertreibung erfahren haben, leiden zeitlebens unter den ihnen zugefügten Verletzungen und posttraumatisch...