In the last decade the term 'comorbidity' has gained popularity in the field of paediatric neurodisability, with the increasing recognition that many conditions are rarely present in isolation. Within this field, the term is often used to refer to the co-occurrence of conditions more frequently than would be expected by chance, which can include instances where one condition causes the other, where they share a common cause (for example, genetic), or where they are in fact manifestations of a single condition. Whether it is...
Clinics in Developmental Medicine No. 187
In the last decade the term 'comorbidity' has gained popularity in the field of paedi...
Originally published in 1976, Martin Bax's seminal cult novel is back in print after three decades. From harbours around the world, the hospital ship picks up casualties, emergency cases of men and women in states of severe psychic withdrawal and large groups of autistic children. They are victims of a worldwide disaster; a holocaust that spreads as the hospital ship sails on, struggling to save itself from its own lunacy.
Originally published in 1976, Martin Bax's seminal cult novel is back in print after three decades. From harbours around the world, the hospital ship ...
Originally published in 1976, Martin Bax's seminal cult novel is back in print after three decades. From harbours around the world, the hospital ship picks up casualties, emergency cases of men and women in states of severe psychic withdrawal and large groups of autistic children. They are victims of a worldwide disaster; a holocaust that spreads as the hospital ship sails on, struggling to save itself from its own lunacy.
Originally published in 1976, Martin Bax's seminal cult novel is back in print after three decades. From harbours around the world, the hospital ship ...