Ivanov * The Sea Gull * Uncle Vanya * The Three Sisters * The Cherry Orchard
"Let the things that happen onstage be just as complex and yet just as simple as they are in life," Chekhov once declared. "For instance, people are having a meal, just having a meal, but at the same time, their happiness is being created, or their lives are being smashed up." So it is that his plays express life through subtle construction, everyday dialogue, and an electrically charged atmosphere in which even the most casual words and actions assume great importance in his...
Anton Chekhov The Major Plays
Ivanov * The Sea Gull * Uncle Vanya * The Three Sisters * The Cherry Orchard
This book explores the immense influence of the composer Richard Wagner on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian writers, musicians and artists. It contains a history of the production of Wagner's works in Russia and the Soviet Union (by directors including Meyerhold and Eisenstein), an account of Wagner's visit to Russia in 1863, and a detailed investigation of the impact of his music and ideas on the Russian Modernist movement. The last two chapters explore the fate of Wagner's works after the 1917 Revolution, when he was first hailed but then reviled, and finally rehabilitated during...
This book explores the immense influence of the composer Richard Wagner on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian writers, musicians and artists. I...
This book explores the immense influence of the composer Richard Wagner on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian writers, musicians and artists. It contains a history of the production of Wagner's works in Russia and the Soviet Union (by directors including Meyerhold and Eisenstein), an account of Wagner's visit to Russia in 1863, and a detailed investigation of the impact of his music and ideas on the Russian Modernist movement. The last two chapters explore the fate of Wagner's works after the 1917 Revolution, when he was first hailed but then reviled, and finally rehabilitated during...
This book explores the immense influence of the composer Richard Wagner on nineteenth- and twentieth-century Russian writers, musicians and artists. I...
The futurist opera Victory Over the Sun--written by Aleksei Kruchenykh and first performed in St. Petersburg in December 1913--was central to the Russian avant-garde, important for its libretto, its fragmentary, modernistic score, and its innovative sets and costumes. This book features an excellent translation of the text, accompanied by a number of essays from international contributors such as Laurence Senelick and John E. Bowlt that offer new insights into the practice and history of Russian theater in the first half of the twentieth century.
The futurist opera Victory Over the Sun--written by Aleksei Kruchenykh and first performed in St. Petersburg in December 1913--was central t...
'Love...it means too much to me, far more than you can understand.'
Anna Karenina is a beautiful and intelligent woman, whose passionate love for a handsome officer sweeps aside all other ties - to her marriage and to the network of relationships and moral values that bind the society around her. Her love affair with Vronsky is played out alongside the developing romance between Kitty and Levin, and in the character of Levin, closely based on Tolstoy himself, the search for happiness takes on a deeper philosophical significance.
One of the greatest novels ever...
'Love...it means too much to me, far more than you can understand.'
Anna Karenina is a beautiful and intelligent woman, whose pas...
At its simplest, Anna Karenina is a love story. It is a portrait of a beautiful and intelligent woman whose passionate love for a handsome officer sweeps aside all other ties - to her marriage and to the network of relationships and moral values that bind the society around her. The love affair of Anna and Vronsky is played out alongside the developing romance of Kitty and Levin, and in the character of Levin, closely based on Tolstoy himself, the search for happiness takes on a deeper philosophical significance.
One of the greatest novels ever written, Anna Karenina...
At its simplest, Anna Karenina is a love story. It is a portrait of a beautiful and intelligent woman whose passionate love for a handsome of...