The world of community development finance has grown increasingly sophisticated in its multi-faceted responses to poverty, joblessness and environmental degradation. One of the most sophisticated approaches involves the marriage of the tools of venture capital and private equity investing with a wide range of social goals. This approach what is termed by its adherents 'community venture capital' has been successful at stimulating productive economic activity in resource-starved communities while encouraging the creation and growth of business dedicated to the 'double bottom line.' The authors...
The world of community development finance has grown increasingly sophisticated in its multi-faceted responses to poverty, joblessness and environment...
While raising capital has never been easy, it has become a lot more difficult over the past few years. The dot-com debacle has made investors skittish, especially when it comes to financing early-stage start-ups. As a result, more and more entrepreneurs are being forced to compete harder and harder for a spot around the money well. At the end of the day, all most have to show for their efforts are tattered Rolodexes and battered egos. What they need is the competitive edge that comes with having a friend in the business-an advisor who'll cut through the mumbo-jumbo and tell them in plain...
While raising capital has never been easy, it has become a lot more difficult over the past few years. The dot-com debacle has made investors skittish...
Written in highly readable layman's language, Fundamentals of Venture Capital is a concise introduction to the key issues facing both investors and entrepreneurs as they embark on the journey of turning a good idea into a profitable reality.
Written in highly readable layman's language, Fundamentals of Venture Capital is a concise introduction to the key issues facing both investors and en...