Although sometimes regarded as trivial because of its brevity or its treatment of issues distant from the modern world, the letter to Philemon remains valuable both for its insight into the social setting of the New Testament and for its reiteration of a central component of the gospel-brotherly love. This superb new commentary in the ECC series is unique for its exhaustive study of the ancient world at the time Philemon was written. The volume examines the institution of slavery in Paul's day, drawing on secular sources from Greece and Rome and from Christian writers of the time. The...
Although sometimes regarded as trivial because of its brevity or its treatment of issues distant from the modern world, the letter to Philemon remains...
The Apostle Paul's epistle to the Colossians provides an intimate glimpse into the life of a first century Christian community as it struggled to define Christian theology and practice. Paul was prompted to address this fledgling Christian assembly when he heard that -false teachers- had joined its midst and were promulgating heretical and threateningtheories. His impassioned letter to the Colossians urges them to embrace a life in Christ and proclaims Christ as master of all of creation. In their astute commentary, New Testament sch Markus Barth and Helmut Blanke recreate the of first...
The Apostle Paul's epistle to the Colossians provides an intimate glimpse into the life of a first century Christian community as it struggled to d...
Die "Lebenskunst im Alltag" beschreibt den Schnittpunkt, an dem sich das Interesse von Philosophen, Historikern und Kulturwissenschaftlern mit praktischen Problematisierungen des Alltags durch die Zeitgenossen trifft. In Kunst und Literatur wird die Lebenskunst zu einer zentralen Konstante.
Die "Lebenskunst im Alltag" beschreibt den Schnittpunkt, an dem sich das Interesse von Philosophen, Historikern und Kulturwissenschaftlern mit praktis...
Eisenbahnwissen klipp und klar§§Das schweizerische Eisenbahnnetz wird mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Dadurch ist es nicht mehr nur ein Thema für Spezialisten, sondern ebenso für Politiker, Eisenbahn-Praktiker, Journalisten und wissensdurstige Laien. Dieses Buch erklärt die Funktionsweise der Fahrbahn, auf der unsere Züge verkehren. Es zeigt, wo die Schwachstellen liegen und was man in Zukunft besser machen könnte.
Eisenbahnwissen klipp und klar§§Das schweizerische Eisenbahnnetz wird mehr und mehr zum Politikum. Dadurch ist es nicht mehr nur ein Thema für Spez...
The ramifications of the crucifixion of Jesus by Jews are still felt deeply today. Discussion of Judaism and Christianity, Israelis and Palestinians, and the Jewish heritage of Jesus evoke high-level emotional responses from Christians and non-Christians. Discussion becomes heated argument as factions divide and take sides.Centuries-old feelings of fear, anger, hostility, resentment, repression, and blame fan the flames of unrest and disagreement. Jesus the Jew speaks to these issues. Markus Barth addresses Jews and Christians, in fact, everyone who is looking for a new or deepened...
The ramifications of the crucifixion of Jesus by Jews are still felt deeply today. Discussion of Judaism and Christianity, Israelis and Palestinians, ...