Friedrich G. Barth Friedrich G. Barth Joseph A. C. Humphrey
Biological sensors are usually remarkably small, sensitive and efficient. It is highly desirable to design corresponding artificial sensors for scientific, industrial and commercial purposes.This book is designed to fill an urgent need for interdisciplinary exchange between biologists studying sensors in the natural world and engineers and physical scientists developing artificial sensors. Contributions from leading scientists in this area, whether engineers or biologists, are written to be accessible to readers from these and other disciplines. The main topics cover mechanical sensors,...
Biological sensors are usually remarkably small, sensitive and efficient. It is highly desirable to design corresponding artificial sensors for scient...
Spiders are wonderful creatures. Their varied and complex range of behavior and highly developed sensory systems are excellently adapted to the environmental conditions - as is proven by their evolutionary success. Over 400 million years, spiders have developed their sensory organs to a fascinating technical perfection and complexity. In his intriguing book, Professor Friedrich G. Barth puts this technical perfection into the context of "biology," in which the interaction between environment and sensory organs and the selectivity of the senses as a link between environment and behavior...
Spiders are wonderful creatures. Their varied and complex range of behavior and highly developed sensory systems are excellently adapted to the enviro...
Spinnen sind wundervolle Kreaturen. Ihr reichhaltiges und komplexes Verhalten verfugt uber hochentwickelte Sinnessysteme und ist hervorragend an die Bedingungen ihrer Umwelt angepasst - wie sich aus ihrem evolutionaren Erfolg ersehen lasst: sie hatten 400 Millionen Jahre Zeit, ihre Biosensoren zu einer faszinierenden technischen Perfektion und Komplexitat auszuarbeiten. Professor Friedrich G. Barth stellt in seinem packenden Buch diese "technische Perfektion" in den ubergeordneten Zusammenhang der "Biologie," in der die Passung zwischen Umwelt und Sinnesorganen und die Selektivitat der Sinne...
Spinnen sind wundervolle Kreaturen. Ihr reichhaltiges und komplexes Verhalten verfugt uber hochentwickelte Sinnessysteme und ist hervorragend an die B...