Musica Poetica provides an unprecedented examination of the development of Baroque musical thought.The initial chapters, which serve as an introduction to the concept and teachings of musical-rhetorical figures, explore Martin Luther s theology of music, the development of the Baroque concept of musica poetica, the idea of the affections in German Baroque music, and that music s use of the principles and devices of rhetoric. Dietrich Bartel then turns to more detailed considerations of the musical-rhetorical figures that were developed in Baroque treatises and publications....
Musica Poetica provides an unprecedented examination of the development of Baroque musical thought.The initial chapters, which serve as an intr...
Aus dem Bemhen heraus, die Beziehungen der verschiedenen Figurenlehren des Barock zueinander darzustellen, werden zunchst die Figurenlehren der entsprechenden Theoretiker besprochen. Der Hauptteil des Buches beinhaltet dann eine terminologische Abhandlung der Figuren, wobei das Hauptanliegen bei der Behandlung der einzelnen Termini in der Darstellung der jeweiligen Bedeutungsgeschichte bzw. des Bedeutungswandels liegt.
Aus dem Bemhen heraus, die Beziehungen der verschiedenen Figurenlehren des Barock zueinander darzustellen, werden zunchst die Figurenlehren der entspr...
This book provides extensive commentary and an English translation of 17th-century German music theorist Andreas Werckmeister's final treatise, the Musicalische Paradoxal-Discourse. Topics discussed include theological reflections on music, numerology in musical intervals, music notation and solmization, and tunings.
This book provides extensive commentary and an English translation of 17th-century German music theorist Andreas Werckmeister's final treatise, the Mu...