The tale is told by Cris, and ex public school boy, with inherited money, recently thrown out of the Army having had a spell in detention for selling MOD property. He meets Colleen, a prostitute, only in the game to improve her prospects by making quick money. She is of Irish/Colombian extraction with family still living in Colombia. The two of them decide to visit Colombia and Colleen's family, where they are welcomed. While on an expedition in the jungle they are kidnapped by guerrillas and discover that the Colombian family are in the cocaine exporting business. Looking for more...
The tale is told by Cris, and ex public school boy, with inherited money, recently thrown out of the Army having had a spell in detention for selling ...
This Teacher's Guide was created to provide educators and parents with supplemental learning materials for the picture book Put Away Your Phone Filled with educational resources and bonus activities that were made according to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Studies. Explore the contemporary issue of kids, families and their technology use. Also, learn how to adapt Social-Emotional Skills into your classroom or home in this straightforward guide. A must for any "grown-up" that wants to discover all the...
This Teacher's Guide was created to provide educators and parents with supplemental learning materials for the picture book Put Away Your Phone Fille...