Memory and desire--and how the two can be mistaken for each other--are the themes of this magical novel set in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii. At the novel's beginning, Kinau says of her husband, gone five years and with another woman, "I could not tell if I was more possessed by Ivan's absence than by the man himself." But then a bizarre incident brings Ivan back, and a new chain of passion and leavetaking inevitably spins itself out.
Memory and desire--and how the two can be mistaken for each other--are the themes of this magical novel set in Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii. At th...
ber 100.000 Trume trumt ein Mensch in seinem Leben - Trume, die geheime Wnsche, ngste und Vorahnungen offenbaren. Traumexpertin Pamela Ball liefert den Schlssel zu ihrer Deutung: Ihr umfangreiches Lexikon der Traumsymbole und ihre Tipps, wie man das Getrumte besser erinnert, helfen, die verborgenen Traumbotschaften zu entschlsseln und positiv zu nutzen.
ber 100.000 Trume trumt ein Mensch in seinem Leben - Trume, die geheime Wnsche, ngste und Vorahnungen offenbaren. Traumexpertin Pamela Ball liefert de...