The birth of a baby brings about marvelous experiences and relationships. But it is an adjustment for mothers, for fathers, for brothers and sisters; and being born is a tremendous shock to the baby. Your Baby Is For Loving will help all family members prepare for the new arrival.
MaryJane Pierce Norton invites us to consider parenting as a partnership. We partner with our spouses, other family members, our faith community, and most importantly, with God, as we raise our children as people of faith. Your Baby Is For Loving not only helps families prepare for the...
The birth of a baby brings about marvelous experiences and relationships. But it is an adjustment for mothers, for fathers, for brothers and sister...
Ministers, priests, rabbis, physicians and therapists faced with their awesome role will appreciate Ashbrook's clear way of integrating medicine, psychology, and theology into a consistent framework for therapeutic practice.
Ministers, priests, rabbis, physicians and therapists faced with their awesome role will appreciate Ashbrook's clear way of integrating medicine, psyc...