Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and water? Are you "too shy" or "too sensitive" according to others? Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? If your answers are yes, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
Most of us feel overstimulated every once in a while, but for the Highly Sensitive Person, it's a way of life. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist, workshop leader and highly sensitive person herself, shows you how to identify this trait...
Are you a highly sensitive person?
Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and ...
Do you fall in love hard, but fear intimacy? Are you sick of being told that you are -too sensitive-? Do you struggle to respect a less-sensitive partner? Or have you given up on love, afraid of being too sensitive or shy to endure its wounds? Statistics show that 50 percent of what determines divorce is genetic temperament. And, if you are one of the 20 percent of people who are born highly sensitive, the risk of an unhappy relationship is especially high. Your finely tuned nervous system, which picks up on subtleties and reflects deeply, would be a romantic asset if both you and your...
Do you fall in love hard, but fear intimacy? Are you sick of being told that you are -too sensitive-? Do you struggle to respect a less-sensitive part...
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? If so, this workbook is for you. Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? Do you have a rich inner life and intense dreams? Did parents or teachers call you -too shy- or -too sensitive-? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). High sensitivity is a trait shared by 20 percent of the population, according to Dr. Elaine Aron, a clinical psychologist and workshop leader and the bestselling author of The Highly Sensitive Person. The enormous response to her book led Dr. Aron to create The...
Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? If so, this workbook is for you. Do noise and confusion quickly overwhelm you? Do you have a rich inner life an...
Highly sensitive people (HSPs), who make up some 20 percent of the population, are individuals who both enjoy and suffer from a finely tuned neurological system. This condition can be a gift, but, until HSPs master their sensitive nervous systems, they operate in a constant state of overstimulation. Conditions that most of us ignore completely overwhelm the HSP: bright light, loud sounds, and strong smells. More importantly, HSPs are also very sensitive to their internal worlds. They tend to be deeply affected by pain, both emotional and physical. The emotional demands of relationships and...
Highly sensitive people (HSPs), who make up some 20 percent of the population, are individuals who both enjoy and suffer from a finely tuned neurologi...
This simple and effective guide presents the best ways for readers to have healthy, fulfilling relationships, and find true self-worth. Readers will learn to incorporate love into situations that seem to require power and deal with power struggles that mask themselves as issues of love.
This simple and effective guide presents the best ways for readers to have healthy, fulfilling relationships, and find true self-worth. Readers will l...
Hochsensible Menschen sind besonders feinfhlig; sie haben eine erhhte Empfnglichkeit sowohl fr uere als auch fr innere Reize. So nehmen hochsensible Menschen mehr Informationen auf als ihre Mitmenschen. Dennoch werden Hochsensible oft als schchtern stigmatisiert. Elaine Aron gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in das Phnomen Hochsensibilitt, erlutert Probleme und gibt Ratschlge im Umgang mit Hrden im Alltag. Vor allem aber spricht sie sich fr ein neues Selbstbewusstsein aus und betont die Strken dieser ungewhnlichen Charaktereigenschaft.
Hochsensible Menschen sind besonders feinfhlig; sie haben eine erhhte Empfnglichkeit sowohl fr uere als auch fr innere Reize. So nehmen hochsensible M...