Johann Christoph Arnold, admired by such prominent spiritual and inspirational leaders as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Cardinal Dolan, Pete Seeger, and many more, offers answers to the question: Why shouldn't growing older be rewarding? Arnold, whose books have helped over a million readers through life's challenges, shows us the spiritual riches that age has to offer. Now in his seventies, Arnold finds himself personally facing the challenges of aging with grace. With a foreword by Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Rich in Years covers the significant topics...
Johann Christoph Arnold, admired by such prominent spiritual and inspirational leaders as Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Cardinal Dolan, Pete S...
Criar a un nino nunca ha sido mas dificil. Si alguna vez dudas de ti mismo o te preguntas si vale la pena, lee este pequeno libro. Si te preocupas que tu familia no capea las tormentas de la vida o si tienes miedo de perder a tus hijos a la cultura dominante, leelo de nuevo. Porque importan los ninos ofrece sabiduria biblica y consejos de sentido comun sobre la manera de mantener una familia y criar a tus hijos con caracter.
Criar a un nino nunca ha sido mas dificil. Si alguna vez dudas de ti mismo o te preguntas si vale la pena, lee este pequeno libro. Si te preocu...
Para quienes estan hartos de la papilla espiritual servida hoy dia en las vidrieras de tantas librerias, En busca de paz resultara comida fuerte y sana. Arnold no nos bombardea con recetas espirituales ni hace promesas ilusorias, sino que nos dice, sin ambages, lo que exige de nosotros la verdadera paz, que va mas alla de la satisfaccion de realizarse a si mismo. Pero quien la busca, debe estar dispuesto a hacer sacrificios.
Para quienes estan hartos de la papilla espiritual servida hoy dia en las vidrieras de tantas librerias, En busca de paz resultara comida fuert...
Fear of accidents or acts of terror, illness or dying, loneliness or grief - if you're like most people such anxieties may be robbing you of the peace that could be yours. In Be Not Afraid, Johann Christoph Arnold, a seasoned pastoral counselor who has accompanied many people to death's door, tells how ordinary men, women and children found the strength to conquer their deepest fears. Drawing on stories of people he has known as pastor, relative or friend, Arnold shows how suffering can be given meaning, and despair overcome. Interspersed with anecdotes from such wise teachers as...
Fear of accidents or acts of terror, illness or dying, loneliness or grief - if you're like most people such anxieties may be robbing you of t...
In Why Forgive? Arnold lets the untidy experiences of ordinary people speak for themselves--people who have earned the right to talk about forgiving. Some of these stories deal with violent crime, betrayal, abuse, hate, gang warfare, and genocide. Others address everyday hurts: the wounds caused by backbiting, gossip, conflicts in the home, and tensions in the workplace. The book also tackles what can be the biggest challenge: forgiving ourselves. These people, who have overcome the cancer of bitterness and hatred, can help you unleash the healing power of...
In Why Forgive? Arnold lets the untidy experiences of ordinary people speak for themselves--people who have earned the right to talk abo...
Where can we find peace of heart and mind--with ourselves, with others, and with God? Arnold says most people are looking in the wrong direction. In a culture that bombards us with feel-good-about-yourself spirituality, Seeking Peace is sure to satisfy a deep hunger. There is a peace greater than self-fulfilment, a peace greater than nations no longer at war. But it will demand a relentless pursuit kept up only by hope and courage, vision and commitment. Seeking Peace explores many facets of humankind's ageless search for peace. It plumbs a wealth of spiritual...
Where can we find peace of heart and mind--with ourselves, with others, and with God? Arnold says most people are looking in the wrong directio...
Setenta veces siete es una coleccion de histo-rias autenticas de hombres y mujeres como tu y yo, gente afectada por el racismo, la infidelidad matrimonial, la represion politica, la brutalidad policial, el sufrimiento de la guerra, la muerte violenta de un ser querido. No se trata de una discusion abstracta o teorica. Al leer estos relatos, entramos en la vida de personas que han sufrido y han sabido perdonar (y de las que no han perdo-nado), de personas que descubrieron que el perdon tiene el poder de sanar aun las mas profundas heridas (y de las que continuan en busqueda de...
Setenta veces siete es una coleccion de histo-rias autenticas de hombres y mujeres como tu y yo, gente afectada por el racismo, la infid...
Johann Christoph Arnold, cuyos libros han ayudado a millones de lectores en los desafios de la vida, desea que redescubramos las riquezas espirituales que la edad tiene para ofrecer. Ahora en sus setenta, Arnold se encuentra a si mismo enfrentando las pruebas que vienen con la vejez. Pero el sabe, de decadas de experiencia pastoral, lo que pueden hacer las personas mayores y sus cuidadores para aprovechar al maximo el viaje.
Johann Christoph Arnold, cuyos libros han ayudado a millones de lectores en los desafios de la vida, desea que redescubramos las riquezas espir...
There's hope for childhood. Despite a perfect storm of hostile forces that are robbing children of a healthy childhood, courageous parents and teachers who know what's best for children are turning the tide. Johann Christoph Arnold, whose books on education, parenting, and relationships have helped more than a million readers through life's challenges, draws on the stories and voices of parents and educators on the ground, and a wealth of personal experience. He surveys the drastic changes in the lives of children, but also the groundswell of grassroots advocacy and action...
There's hope for childhood. Despite a perfect storm of hostile forces that are robbing children of a healthy childhood, courageous parents and ...
In this groundbreaking book, Arnold, a pastor for over forty years, provides fresh biblical insights into critical issues including the sacredness of sex, the struggle against temptation, the decision to remain single or to marry, child rearing, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage. Sex, God, and Marriage offers healing to anyone who has known discouragement or failure - and hope to anyone who is willing to take a bold new look at a topic of universal interest and concern. Unlike the vast majority of marriage books, Sex, God, and Marriage digs deeper than...
In this groundbreaking book, Arnold, a pastor for over forty years, provides fresh biblical insights into critical issues including the sacred...