One of the world s leading film theorists, Rudolf Arnheim has been well known to readers of English since the publication of his classic Film as Art in 1957. This is the first English translation of another of his important books, Kritiken und Aufsatze zum Film, which collects both film reviews and theoretical essays, most of them written between 1925 and 1940. As a young man in 1920s Berlin, Arnheim began writing about film for the satirical magazine Das Stachelschwein. In 1928, as the Weimar Republic began to crumble, he joined the intellectual weekly Die Weltbuhne as film...
One of the world s leading film theorists, Rudolf Arnheim has been well known to readers of English since the publication of his classic Film as Ar...
Thousands of readers who have profited from engagement with the lively mind of Rudolf Arnheim over the decades will receive news of this new collection of essays expectantly. In the essays collected here, as in his earlier work on a large variety of art forms, Arnheim explores concrete poetry and the metaphors of Dante, photography and the meaning of music. There are essays on color composition, forgeries, and the problems of perspective, on art in education and therapy, on the style of artists' late works, and the reading of maps. Also, in a triplet of essays on pioneers in the...
Thousands of readers who have profited from engagement with the lively mind of Rudolf Arnheim over the decades will receive news of this new collectio...
For many years Rudolf Arnheim, known as the leading psychologist of art, has been keeping notebooks in which to jot down observations, ideas, questions, and even (after a stay in Japan for a year) poems in the haiku pattern. Some of these notes found their way into his books--known and prized the world over--such as Art and Visual Perception, Visual Thinking, and The Power of the Center (see list below). Now he has selected, from the remaining riches of his notebooks, the items in this volume. The book will be a joy to ramble through for all lovers of Arnheim's...
For many years Rudolf Arnheim, known as the leading psychologist of art, has been keeping notebooks in which to jot down observations, ideas, question...
Never before published essays by the widely admired psychologist of art. Arnheim spiritedly asserts art's fundamental achievements. Rudolf Arnheim has spent a lifetime analyzing the basic psychological principles that make works of visual art meaningful, stirring, indispensable, and lasting. But recent fashionable attitudes and theories about art, he argues, are undermining the foundation of artistic achievement itself. The essays collected in this volume are written in his familiar, careful, and solidly supported manner, but under present circumstances they amount to a call to arms....
Never before published essays by the widely admired psychologist of art. Arnheim spiritedly asserts art's fundamental achievements. Rudolf Arnheim...
Rudolf Arnheim's great forte is his ability to illuminate the perceptual processes that go into the making and reception of artworks--painting, sculpture, architecture, and film. Over the years, his pioneering mode of "reading" art from a unique scientific/philosophic perspective has garnered him an established and devoted audience. That audience will take pleasure in Arnheim's most recent collection of essays, one that covers a range of topics and includes titles such as "Outer Space and Inner Space," "What Is an Aesthetic Fact?," "As I Saw Children's Art," "Two Ways of Being Human,"...
Rudolf Arnheim's great forte is his ability to illuminate the perceptual processes that go into the making and reception of artworks--painting, sculpt...
Rudolf Arnheim has been known, since the publication of his groundbreaking Art and Visual Perception in 1974, as an authority on the psychological interpretation of the visual arts. Two anniversary volumes celebrate the landmark anniversaries of his works in 2009. In The Power of the Center, Arnheim uses a wealth of examples to consider the factors that determine the overall organization of visual form in works of painting, sculpture, and architecture. The Dynamics of Architectural Form explores the unexpected perceptual consequences of architecture with Arnheim's...
Rudolf Arnheim has been known, since the publication of his groundbreaking Art and Visual Perception in 1974, as an authority on the psychologi...
Rudolf Arnheim has been known, since the publication of his groundbreaking Art and Visual Perception in 1974, as an authority on the psychologicalinterpretation of the visual arts. Two anniversary volumes celebrate the landmark anniversaries of his works in 2009. In The Power of the Center, Arnheim uses a wealth of examples to consider the actors that determine the overall organization of visual form in works of painting, sculpture, and architecture. The Dynamics of Architectural Form explores the unexpected perceptual consequences of architecture with Arnheim's customary...
Rudolf Arnheim has been known, since the publication of his groundbreaking Art and Visual Perception in 1974, as an authority on the psychologi...
This essay is an attempt to reconcile the disturbing contradiction between the striving for order in nature and in man and the principle of entropy implicit in the second law of thermodynamics - between the tendency toward greater organization and the general trend of the material universe toward death and disorder.
This essay is an attempt to reconcile the disturbing contradiction between the striving for order in nature and in man and the principle of entropy im...
From the Introduction: The papers collected in this book are based on the assumption that art, as any other activity of the mind, is subject to psychology, accessible to understanding, and needed for any comprehensive survey of mental functioning. The author believes, furthermore, that the science of psychology is not limited to measurements under controlled laboratory conditions, but must comprise all attempts to obtain generalizations by means of facts as thoroughly established and concepts as well defined as the investigated situation permits. Therefore the psychological findings...
From the Introduction: The papers collected in this book are based on the assumption that art, as any other activity of the mind, is subject to ps...
Rudolf Arnheim, der am 15. Juli 2004 seinen 100. Geburtstag feiert und heute in Ann Arbor lebt, hat sich zeit seines Lebens intensiv mit den Medien knstlerischer Produktion auseinandergesetzt. Seine wichtigsten medientheoretischen Aufstze, entstanden ber einen Zeitraum von 74 Jahren, stellen eine magebliche Ergnzung seiner Hauptwerke Film als Kunst und Rundfunk als Hrkunst dar und sind hier erstmals vollstndig versammelt. Arnheims medientheoretische berlegungen nehmen dabei in der Regel ihren Ausgang beim einzelnen Medium - bei der Photographie, dem Rundfunk und insbesondere beim Film - und...
Rudolf Arnheim, der am 15. Juli 2004 seinen 100. Geburtstag feiert und heute in Ann Arbor lebt, hat sich zeit seines Lebens intensiv mit den Medien kn...