School desegregation and "forced" busing first brought people to the barricades during the 1960s and 1970s, and the idea continues to spark controversy today whenever it is proposed. A quiet rage smolders in hundreds of public school systems, where court- ordered busing plans have been in place for over twenty years. Intended to remedy the social and educational disadvantages of minorities, desegregation policy has not produced any appreciable educational gains, while its political and social costs have been considerable. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court's epic decision,...
School desegregation and "forced" busing first brought people to the barricades during the 1960s and 1970s, and the idea continues to spark controvers...
School desegregation and "forced" busing first brought people to the barricades during the 1960s and 1970s, and the idea continues to spark controversy today whenever it is proposed. A quiet rage smolders in hundreds of public school systems, where court- ordered busing plans have been in place for over twenty years. Intended to remedy the social and educational disadvantages of minorities, desegregation policy has not produced any appreciable educational gains, while its political and social costs have been considerable. Now, on the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court's epic decision,...
School desegregation and "forced" busing first brought people to the barricades during the 1960s and 1970s, and the idea continues to spark controvers...
Christine H. Rossell David J. Armor Herbert J. Walberg
Leading scholars in the fields of history and law have assembled an enormous amount of empirical data on the outcomes of school desegregation and conclude that the policies of the past--mandatory reassignment and strict racial quotas--had too few benefits and too many costs to make them viable alternatives for the future. Chapter topics include the history of school desegregation, the development of the law, the desegregation effectiveness of remedies, ability grouping and classroom desegregation, racial disparities in school discipline, intergroup relations, the attitudes and opinions of...
Leading scholars in the fields of history and law have assembled an enormous amount of empirical data on the outcomes of school desegregation and c...
The "nature versus nurture" controversy dates back to at least the nineteenth century. How much of a role does genetics or environment play in accounting for reasoning skill and other intellectual aptitudes? At a time when the public school system in the United States is under attack, this debate has taken center stage in arguments about what accounts for differences in academic achievement. Maximizing Intelligence convincingly argues that, while both genetics and environment play a role in a child's intelligence, environmental factors, especially at an early age, are of primary...
The "nature versus nurture" controversy dates back to at least the nineteenth century. How much of a role does genetics or environment play in acco...
The "nature versus nurture" controversy dates back to at least the nineteenth century. How much of a role does genetics or environment play in accounting for reasoning skill and other intellectual aptitudes? Maximizing Intelligence, now in paperback, convincingly argues that both environment and genetics play a role in a child's intelligence, but family environment, especially at an early age, is of primary importance-and suggests how intelligence may be heightened.
The "nature versus nurture" controversy dates back to at least the nineteenth century. How much of a role does genetics or environment play in account...