This striking book provides a handy summary of the ecology of the world's vegetation. The introductory chapters provide a basic back-drop to the subject. The subsequent chapters examine sequentially the form and function of each major biome throughout the world.
This striking book provides a handy summary of the ecology of the world's vegetation. The introductory chapters provide a basic back-drop to the subje...
The ecology of world vegetation is described in numer- all of the drafting and photographic work. They have ous books and journals, but these are usually very spe- spent many hours on this project and their care and skill cialized in their scope and treatment. This book provides is reflected in the consistently high quality of the illus- a synthesis of this literature. A brief introductory chap- trations throughout the book. Many friends and col- ter outlines general ecological concepts and subsequent leagues have provided photographs. It has not been chapters examine the form and function of...
The ecology of world vegetation is described in numer- all of the drafting and photographic work. They have ous books and journals, but these are usua...