The Creed, Commandments, and more clearly explained by St. Thomas Aquinas Deeply insightful, straightforward, and clear explanations of the Apostles' Creed, the Commandments, and the Sacraments; this book gives you a basic course in the Faith, taught by the Church's greatest theologian.
The Creed, Commandments, and more clearly explained by St. Thomas Aquinas Deeply insightful, straightforward, and clear explanations of the Apostles'...
This volume brings you all of St. Thomas's known prayers and hymns in their Latin originals, along with new English translations. The translations render the originals with precision and soul-fortifying eloquence.
This volume brings you all of St. Thomas's known prayers and hymns in their Latin originals, along with new English translations. The translations ren...
Among the great works of Thomas Aquinas, the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard has suffered almost total neglect among translators. Such neglect is surprising, considering that the massive Commentarymore than 4,000 pages in the last printed editionis not only Aquinass first systematic engagement with all the philosophical and theological topics on which he expended his energy over the span of a short career but is also characterized by an exuberance and elaborateness seldom found in his subsequent writings. Although Chenu had already drawn attention decades ago to the importance of...
Among the great works of Thomas Aquinas, the Commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard has suffered almost total neglect among translators. Such ne...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produced his own commentary on the Gospel of John as part of his task as a Master of the Sacred Page. Considered a landmark theological introduction to the Fourth Gospel, these lectures were delivered to Dominican friars when Aquinas was at the height of his theological powers, when he was also composing the Summa theologiae. For numerous reasons, the Summa has received far more attention over the centuries than has his Commentary on the Gospel of...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produc...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produced his own commentary on the Gospel of John as part of his task as a Master of the Sacred Page. Considered a landmark theological introduction to the Fourth Gospel, these lectures were delivered to Dominican friars when Aquinas was at the height of his theological powers, when he was also composing the Summa theologiae. For numerous reasons, the Summa has received far more attention over the centuries than has his Commentary on the Gospel of...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produc...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produced his own commentary on the Gospel of John as part of his task as a Master of the Sacred Page. Considered a landmark theological introduction to the Fourth Gospel, these lectures were delivered to Dominican friars when Aquinas was at the height of his theological powers, when he was also composing the Summa theologiae. For numerous reasons, the Summa has received far more attention over the centuries than has his Commentary on the Gospel of...
Thomas Aquinas possessed excellent knowledge of the commentaries of Origen, John Chrysostom, and Augustine. On the basis of this foundation, he produc...
In the De potentia, Thomas Aquinas runs a series of disputations on the power of God. The treatise considers ten questions related to God's power to create external things, namely the universe, angels, and human beings. His explanation of creation here is the most developed treatment found in any of his writings, but the principal purpose of the work is to analyze the internal life of God--that is, the Trinity. According to Aquinas, we predicate the Persons of the Trinity as relations, not as absolute things, and he examines the processions of the Son and the Holy Spirit in the light...
In the De potentia, Thomas Aquinas runs a series of disputations on the power of God. The treatise considers ten questions related to God's p...
In the De potentia, Thomas Aquinas runs a series of disputations on the power of God. The treatise considers ten questions related to God's power to create external things, namely the universe, angels, and human beings. His explanation of creation here is the most developed treatment found in any of his writings, but the principal purpose of the work is to analyze the internal life of God--that is, the Trinity. According to Aquinas, we predicate the Persons of the Trinity as relations, not as absolute things, and he examines the processions of the Son and the Holy Spirit in the light...
In the De potentia, Thomas Aquinas runs a series of disputations on the power of God. The treatise considers ten questions related to God's p...
The Angelic Doctor gives a sermon for each day from Septuagesima Sunday until Holy Saturday, including Ash Wednesday, and the Lenten Ember Days. In the Summa Theologica Saint Thomas asks the question if three in the afternoon is the suitable time for the faster's meal. Indeed he lived in a time when the laws of fasting were more rigorously observed than today. On the Thursday after Ash Wednesday, Aquinas explains the three reasons why we fast, during Lent. Anyone who wishes to truly follow the spirit of Lent must meditate on these holy lessons St. Alphonsus writes: "a single bad book will be...
The Angelic Doctor gives a sermon for each day from Septuagesima Sunday until Holy Saturday, including Ash Wednesday, and the Lenten Ember Days. In th...