How can we know about the lives of our ancestors who lived 30,000, or 300,000, or 3 million years ago? In The Extraordinary Story of Human Origins, Piero and Alberto Angela address the many difficulties and challenges that scientists face in assembling the record of human evolution. To piece together the intriguing puzzle of human origins it is necessary to study all clues that are made available by multidisciplinary research, including paleontology, biochemistry, geology, genetics, physics, and climatology. Like so many Sherlock Holmeses, researchers seek all possible clues and analyze...
How can we know about the lives of our ancestors who lived 30,000, or 300,000, or 3 million years ago? In The Extraordinary Story of Human Origins, Pi...
How can we know about the lives of our ancestors who lived 30,000, or 300,000, or 3 million years ago? In The Extraordinary Story of Human Origins, Piero and Alberto Angela address the many difficulties and challenges that scientists face in assembling the record of human evolution. To piece together the intriguing puzzle of human origins it is necessary to study all clues that are made available by multidisciplinary research, including paleontology, biochemistry, geology, genetics, physics, and climatology. Like so many Sherlock Holmeses, researchers seek all possible clues and analyze...
How can we know about the lives of our ancestors who lived 30,000, or 300,000, or 3 million years ago? In The Extraordinary Story of Human Origins, Pi...
Rom im Jahre 115 n. Chr.: das Imperium Romanum unter Kaiser Trajan erfährt gerade seine größte Ausdehnung und Blütezeit. ein tobendes Publikum feuert im Kolosseum die Gladiatoren an. am Ufer des Tibers werden rauschende Feste gefeiert und in den Thermen warten wohltuende Ölmassagen auf die noble Klientel. Erstmals gelingt es einem Autor, so tief in das Lebensgefühl dieser faszinierenden antiken Metropole einzutauchen und die Alltagswelt der Römer lebendig werden zu lassen. Wie durch die Linse einer Kamera lässt uns Angela an seinem Tagesstreifzug durch Rom teilnehmen, beginnend um 6...
Rom im Jahre 115 n. Chr.: das Imperium Romanum unter Kaiser Trajan erfährt gerade seine größte Ausdehnung und Blütezeit. ein tobendes Publikum feu...