Cozy up for Halloween fun with Biscuit, everyone's favorite little yellow puppy
Discover tricks and treats on every page as you join Biscuit in this Halloween touch-and-feel adventure The sturdy board book pages and simple text are just right for babies and toddlers.
This Halloween touch-and-feel book is a sweet way to introduce the holiday to little ones. Woof, woof
Cozy up for Halloween fun with Biscuit, everyone's favorite little yellow puppy
It's a big year for thirteen-year-old Rose and her family as they witness the turn of the century and, after years of hard work, experience their first apple harvest out on Rocky Ridge farm. And as her feelings for Paul grow stronger, there are even signs of romance in the air for Rose. It's a time for new beginnings in New Dawn on Rocky Ridge, the sixth book in the Rocky Ridge series continuing the story that Laura Ingalls Wilder told of her own childhood, a story that has charmed generations of readers.
It's a big year for thirteen-year-old Rose and her family as they witness the turn of the century and, after years of hard work, experience their firs...
The Little House books have captivated generations of readers with their story of the little pioneer girl Laura Ingalls growing LIP on the American frontier. Now the Little House story continues with The Rose Years, books that tell the story of Laura and Almanzo Wilder's daughter, Rose.
The first six books in the series describe the Wilders' journey to Missouri, their first three years on Rocky Ridge Farm. and their move to the town of Mansfield. In this latest Rose Years title, a whole new world opens LIP for Rose when she leaves Rocky Ridge Farm and moves to Louisiana to live with...
The Little House books have captivated generations of readers with their story of the little pioneer girl Laura Ingalls growing LIP on the American...
In this eighth and final book of the Rose Years series, Rose has become an independent young woman. She leaves RockyRidge Farm, first for Kansas City to learn how to be a telegrapher, then for San Francisco. Her dream is to work for ayear or two, save a little money, and then marry Paul Cooley, her childhood sweetheart. But the big city has all sorts ofsurprises in store for Rose, and she finds that she's destined to travel a road she never even imagined.
In this eighth and final book of the Rose Years series, Rose has become an independent young woman. She leaves RockyRidge Farm, first for Kansas Ci...
"Sometimes a person needs a quiet place." A place that's far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life -- a place that isn't ringing or talking or roaring or playing. But sometimes that place isn't easy to find. Explore what it's like to find a special someplace where we all can think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings.
"Sometimes a person needs a quiet place." A place that's far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life -- a place that isn't ri...
This map-tastic middle grade story from Andrew Clements gives the phrase "uncharted territory" a whole new meaning
Alton Barnes loves maps. He's loved them ever since he was little, and not just for the geography. Because maps contain more information than just locations, and that's why he likes to draw them as well as read them. Regular "point A to point B" ones, sure, but also maps that explain a whole lot more--like what he really thinks about his friends. And teachers. Even the principal.
So when Alton's maps are stolen from his locker, there's serious trouble on the...
This map-tastic middle grade story from Andrew Clements gives the phrase "uncharted territory" a whole new meaning