Operating within the reflecting team format, professionals meet clients without preexisting hypotheses. Together they engage in a conversation that becomes a search for the not-yet-seen and the not-yet-thought-of, as well as for alternative understandings of what has been defined as problematic. As clients and therapists trade places and various members of the entire group participate in conversations, the possibilities for change open wide.
This book describes the evolution of this radical strategy in Tromso, Norway, and its adaptation by various family therapists in the United...
Operating within the reflecting team format, professionals meet clients without preexisting hypotheses. Together they engage in a conversation that...
While ecology is one of the scientific disiplines that most clearly belongs to ''basic research," it also strives to serve as a predictive tool for management. Outstanding examples of predictive ecology are Vollenweider's models on the relationship between phosphorus load and water renewal time of lakes, and the resulting algal biomass. The needed few and easily accessible input parameters to very simple models provided a direct link from basic ecology to management, and today these models are key tools for managers worldwide to control lake eutrophication and algal blooms. The baseline of...
While ecology is one of the scientific disiplines that most clearly belongs to ''basic research," it also strives to serve as a predictive tool for ma...