Over the last 40 years, Principles of Transistor Circuits has provided students and practitioners with a text they can rely on to keep them at the forefront of transistor circuit design.
Although integrated circuits have widespread application, the role of discrete transistors both as important building blocks which students must understand, and as practical solutions to design problems, remains undiminished.
The ninth edition has been thoroughly updated to cover the latest technology and applications, including computer circuit simulation, and many diagrams have been...
Over the last 40 years, Principles of Transistor Circuits has provided students and practitioners with a text they can rely on to keep them ...
The revised edition of the Newnes Dictionary of Electronics includes a substantial new section devoted to acronyms and abbreviations. So if you think you know the meaning of ADDER, LAP, FIB, SPICE or WORM, we recommend you check in the Newnes Dictionary of Electronics first. *A concise glossary for electronics, TV, radio and computing *Ideal for engineers, students and enthusiasts *Includes a handy appendix of acronyms
The revised edition of the Newnes Dictionary of Electronics includes a substantial new section devoted to acronyms and abbreviations. So if you think ...