A three-year-old is a real puzzle to parents, sometimes anxious to please and befriend, sometimes strong-willed and difficult to get along with. At the heart of the three-year-old s personality is often an emotional insecurity and this causes a host of problems for parents Drs. Ames and Ilg, recognized authorities on child behavior and development, help parents understand what s going on inside that three-year-old head, what problems children have, and how to cope with the toddler who is sometimes friend, sometimes enemy. Included in this book: Jealousy of a new sibling ...
A three-year-old is a real puzzle to parents, sometimes anxious to please and befriend, sometimes strong-willed and difficult to get along with. At th...
The child from twelve to twenty-four months of age is a joy to have around--some of the time, that is. This child is growing at an incredible rate, learning to walk, learning to touch, learning to love, and learning to say "No " for the first time. All of this can be quite a handful for the new parent. In this first book in the series from the renowned Gesell Institute, which includes Your One-Year-Old through Your Ten- to Fourteen-Year-Old, the authors discuss all important questions that concern the twelve- to twenty-four-month-old child. They examine the various stages...
The child from twelve to twenty-four months of age is a joy to have around--some of the time, that is. This child is growing at an incredible rate, le...
What is it about four-year-olds that makes themso lovable? What problems do four-year-olds have?What can they do now that they couldn't do atthree? Drs. Ames and Ilg, recognized authorities onchild behavior and development, discuss these andscores of other questions unique to four-year-oldgirls and boys, and they offer parents practicaladvice and enlightening psychological insights."
What is it about four-year-olds that makes themso lovable? What problems do four-year-olds have?What can they do now that they couldn't do atthree? Dr...
Louise Bates Ames Gesell Institute of Human Development St Carol C. Haber
In an authoritative and delightfully readable combination of clinical research and children's own descriptions, this superb book provides a detailed evaluation of what parents can expect from their children's relationships with each other at each stage of development.
In an authoritative and delightfully readable combination of clinical research and children's own descriptions, this superb book provides a detailed e...
This guide to the Rorscharch records of adolescents, including developmental trends and sex differences, has been enriched with longitudinal data on the responses of 35 girls and 30 boys who were each tested annually from 10 to 16 years old.
This guide to the Rorscharch records of adolescents, including developmental trends and sex differences, has been enriched with longitudinal data on t...
A guide for parents to provide a detailed understanding of the physical and mental states of children from infancy to nursery school. Covering the first five years of life, typical child development including behaviour profiles, depicting physical and psychological states are documented.
A guide for parents to provide a detailed understanding of the physical and mental states of children from infancy to nursery school. Covering the fir...