This very practical companion provides essential guidance and advice for that critical period in the fife of a parish between one vicar and the next. SO THE VICAR IS LEAVING is a vital handbook for churchwardens, PCCs, readers and all who share in the responsibility for leading a church through an interregnum. It focuses on many practical issues including: arranging the regular services providing for continuing pastoral care maintaining the church buildings managing the parish efficiently working with deanery or diocesan colleagues to find a new vicar welcoming your new priest Written with...
This very practical companion provides essential guidance and advice for that critical period in the fife of a parish between one vicar and the next. ...
Excel at predicting sales and forecasting trends using Microsoft Excel
If you're a sales or marketing professional, you know that forecasting sales is one of the biggest challenges you face on the job. Unlike other books on the subject, Excel Sales Forecasting For Dummies, 2nd Edition leaves arcane business school terms and complex algebraic equations at the door, focusing instead on what you can do right now to utilize the world's most popular spreadsheet program to produce forecasts you can rely on.
Loaded with confidence boosters for anyone who succumbs to...
Excel at predicting sales and forecasting trends using Microsoft Excel
If you're a sales or marketing professional, you know that forecasti...