The book offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of the determinants of changes in the distribution of expenditure and revenue-raising powers among fiscal tiers in OECD countries. Using a new indicator of fiscal decentralisation which accounts for subnational decision-making autonomy, common decentralisation trends are investigated. Then, empirical evidence from panel analyses is provided for the role of costs, preferences and institutions in explaining fiscal federal structures, and for the impact of economic and political integration on the degree of government decentralisation,...
The book offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of the determinants of changes in the distribution of expenditure and revenue-raising powers amo...
Why does one country take the lead over others in the development and introduction of environmental innovations? This book analyzes lead markets for innovations such as fuel cells and photovoltaics, and offers insight into why this is. The authors use case studies to illustrate the policy framework that favors environmental innovation, and offer recommendations for research and development, environmental and industrial policies.
Why does one country take the lead over others in the development and introduction of environmental innovations? This book analyzes lead markets fo...
The papers presented in this volume address a wide range of policy themes in the context of environmental regulation. Investigated issues include the interaction between environmental regulation and economic growth, international competitiveness, structural change, pollution leakage, technological innovation, tax systems, as well as implications for intergenerational and intragenerational burden sharing. The contributors mostly employ econometric approaches or computable general equilibrium analysis. Professionals and academics working in the field of environmental policy analysis will...
The papers presented in this volume address a wide range of policy themes in the context of environmental regulation. Investigated issues include t...
The recent development of endogenous growth theories has renewed the in terest into the sources of productivity growth of the advanced industrialized economies. The basic advance of these models is that the evolution of tech nological progress is explained endogeneously within the economic model. The most important concept is the idea of endogenous, market-driven inno vations which are seen as the basic source of technological advances. Firms develop sophisticated production techniques and new products in order to reduce costs or to stimulate demand. Equally important is the concept of...
The recent development of endogenous growth theories has renewed the in terest into the sources of productivity growth of the advanced industrialized ...
In the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, industrialized countries agreed on binding absolute targets for greenhouse gas emissions and on the admission of flexible market-economy instruments - such as emissions trading, joint implementation and the clean development mechanism - used for reaching the targets. The contributions in this volume reveal that flexible instruments can lower the costs of climate protection considerably - not only in theory, but also in practice. Concerning implementation, it will be necessary to take care of possible loopholes,...
In the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, industrialized countries agreed on binding absolute targets for greenhouse gas...
Fair and efficient pricing has become increasingly important in international environmental and transport policy. Thus the valuation and internalization of social costs is now a crucial element within strategies towards sustainable mobility. The book provides methods and results from major European and American studies evaluating both social costs of transport and first experiences with their internalization in different contexts: infrastructure planning, urban road pricing and highway tolling. Additionally, complementary non-monetary instruments for a transition towards sustainable mobility...
Fair and efficient pricing has become increasingly important in international environmental and transport policy. Thus the valuation and internalizati...
As the residential buildings sector accounts for around 30 percent of the final energy demand in Germany, this sector is increasingly becoming the focus of public attention with regard to climate change. This title examines the decisions on energy consumption by private households.
As the residential buildings sector accounts for around 30 percent of the final energy demand in Germany, this sector is increasingly becoming the foc...
This book offers the reader a state-of-the-art overview on theory and empirics of business cycle synchronisation, structural reform and economic integration. Focusing on the ongoing integration process in the euro area and the EU, it analyses the integration process that has taken place since the 1980s and which is marked by the advent of the euro and the substantial enlargement that resulted from the accession of 12 new Member States in East and Southern Europe.
This book offers the reader a state-of-the-art overview on theory and empirics of business cycle synchronisation, structural reform and economic integ...
This volume addresses the attractiveness of financial centers with a primary focus on the mutual fund industry. It uses different empirical analysis approaches in an attempt to disentangle the reasons for location attractiveness and in order to identify its influence on fund pricing. The presented research tackles an issue that is fundamental to the understanding of organizational behavior in finance - the rationale in the decision-making process of market participants and its consequences for an economy.
This volume addresses the attractiveness of financial centers with a primary focus on the mutual fund industry. It uses different empirical analysis a...
Over the past fifteen years, the optimal enforcement of EU competition law has become a major concern. This book contains a unique collection of articles by lawyers and economists on current issues in the public and private enforcement of competition law. Public enforcement has been strengthened in numerous ways for example, through the introduction of a leniency programme and a substantial increase in fines for competition law violations. At the same time the EU Commission has been promoting private enforcement for example, by developing a legal framework that grants victims of EU...
Over the past fifteen years, the optimal enforcement of EU competition law has become a major concern. This book contains a unique collection of ar...