This year's 'Word Development Report', the twenty-eighth, looks at the role of equity in the development process. It defines equity in terms of two basic principles. The first is equal opportunities: that a person's chances in life should be determined by his or her talents and efforts, rather than by pre-determined circumstances such as race, gender, social or family background. The second principle is the avoidance of extreme deprivation in outcomes, particularly in health, education and consumption levels. This principle thus includes the objective of poverty reduction. The report's main...
This year's 'Word Development Report', the twenty-eighth, looks at the role of equity in the development process. It defines equity in terms of two ba...
Jobs provide higher earnings and better benefits as countries grow, but they are also a driver of development. Poverty falls as people work their way out of hardship and as jobs empowering women lead to greater investments in children. Efficiency increases as workers get better at what they do, as more productive jobs appear, and less productive ones disappear. Societies flourish as jobs bring together people from different ethnic and social backgrounds and provide alternatives to conflict. Jobs are thus more than a byproduct of economic growth. They are transformational they are what we...
Jobs provide higher earnings and better benefits as countries grow, but they are also a driver of development. Poverty falls as people work their way ...
The past 25 years have witnessed unprecedented changes around the world many of them for the better. Across the continents, many countries have embarked on a path of international integration, economic reform, technological modernization, and democratic participation. As a result, economies that had been stagnant for decades are growing, people whose families had suffered deprivation for generations are escaping poverty, and hundreds of millions are enjoying the benefits of improved living standards and scientific and cultural sharing across nations. As the world changes, a host of...
The past 25 years have witnessed unprecedented changes around the world many of them for the better. Across the continents, many countries have embark...
Every policy relies on explicit or implicit assumptions about how people make choices. Those assumptions typically rest on an idealized model of how people think, rather than an understanding of how everyday thinking actually works. This year s World Development Report argues that a more realistic account of decision-making and behavior will make development policy more effective. The Report emphasizes what it calls the three marks of everyday thinking. In everyday thinking, people use intuition much more than careful analysis. They employ concepts and tools that prior experience in their...
Every policy relies on explicit or implicit assumptions about how people make choices. Those assumptions typically rest on an idealized model of how p...
The internet has spread rapidly. Development has not. But there are instances where technology can be transformational. A digital identification system such as India s Aadhar overcomes complex information problems to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged groups. Alibaba s business-to-business e-commerce platform reduces coordination costs to boost efficiency in China s economy. The M-Pesa digital payment platform exploits scale economies from automation to bring innovations to Kenya s economy. The full transformative potential of the internet, however, remains largely unrealized in most...
The internet has spread rapidly. Development has not. But there are instances where technology can be transformational. A digital identification syste...