World Development Indicators 2015 World Development Indicators 2015 provides a compilation of relevant, highquality, and internationally comparable statistics about global development and the fight against poverty. It is intended to help policymakers, students, analysts, professors, program managers, and citizens find and use data related to all aspects of development, including those that help monitor progress toward the World Bank Group s two goals of ending poverty and promoting shared prosperity. Six themes are used to organize indicators world view, people, environment, economy, states...
World Development Indicators 2015 World Development Indicators 2015 provides a compilation of relevant, highquality, and internationally comparable st...
The Little Data Book on Financial Development 2015/2016 is a pocket edition of the Global Financial Development Database, published as part of the work on the Global Financial Development Report 2015/2016: Long-Term Finance. It contains 39 indicators of financial development in 202 economies, including measures of (1) financial depth, (2) access, (3) efficiency, and (4) stability of financial institutions and markets. Additional variables, historical observations, and links to underlying research are available at
The Little Data Book on Financial Development 2015/2016 is a pocket edition of the Global Financial Development Database, published as part of the wor...
This handy pocket guide is a quick reference for users interested in gender statistics. The book presents gender-disaggregated data for more than 200 economies in an easy country-by-country reference on demography, education, health, labor force, political participation and the Millennium Development Goals. The book s summary pages cover regional and income group aggregates"
This handy pocket guide is a quick reference for users interested in gender statistics. The book presents gender-disaggregated data for more than 200 ...
This Little Data Book on Information and Communications Technology 2015 presents tables for over 213 economies showing the most recent national data on key indicators of information and communications technology (ICT), including access, quality, affordability, efficiency, sustainability, and applications
This Little Data Book on Information and Communications Technology 2015 presents tables for over 213 economies showing the most recent national data o...
The Little Green Data Book 2015 is a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for over 200 countries. Key indicators are organized under the headings of agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, oceans, energy, emission and pollution, and water and sanitation. For the third year, The Little Green Data Book presents a new set of ocean-related indicators, highlighting the role of oceans in economic development.
The Little Green Data Book 2015 is a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for over 200 countries. Key indicators are organized under...
The little data book on Private Sector Development 2015 is a reliable cross-country data on aspects of private sector development, crucial in planning for economic recovery and growth. In targeting increased exports and investment, many governments prioritize an improved climate for business as a basis to attract capital, create jobs, and provide basic services. The availability of cross-country data on the business environment has rapidly expanded in recent years, including data from the World Bank Group s Doing Business project, Enterprise Surveys, and the Entrepreneurship Snapshots....
The little data book on Private Sector Development 2015 is a reliable cross-country data on aspects of private sector development, crucial in planning...
This is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. Compiled from officially-recognised international sources, WDI presents the most current and accurate global development data available, including national, regional and global estimates.
This is the World Bank's premier annual compilation of data about development. Compiled from officially-recognised international sources, WDI presents...
The Little Data Book 2016 is a pocket edition of World Development Indicators 2015. It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World Development Indicators database, book, and mobile app. The database covers more than 1,200 indicators and spans more than 50 years. The 214 country tables present the latest available data for World Bank member countries and other economies with populations of more than 30,000. The 14 summary tables cover regional and income group aggregates.
The Little Data Book 2016 is a pocket edition of World Development Indicators 2015. It is intended as a quick reference for users of the World Develop...
Offers a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for more than 200 countries. Key indicators are organised under the headings of agriculture, forests and biodiversity, oceans, energy and emissions, water and sanitation, environment and health, and national accounting aggregates.
Offers a pocket-sized ready reference on key environmental data for more than 200 countries. Key indicators are organised under the headings of agricu...
The Little Green Data Book 2017 is based on World Development Indicators 2017 and its online database. Defining, gathering, and disseminating international statistics is a collective effort of many people and organizations. The indicators presented in World Development Indicators are the fruit of decades of work at many levels, from the field workers who administer censuses and household surveys to the committees and working parties of the national and international statistical agencies that develop the nomenclature, classifications, and standards fundamental to the international statistical...
The Little Green Data Book 2017 is based on World Development Indicators 2017 and its online database. Defining, gathering, and disseminating internat...