This publication contains proceedings of a Seminar on GLUCOSINOLATES IN RAPESEEDS - Analytical Aspects, held in Gembloux (Belgium) from 1 to 3 October 1986. The meeting was organized by request of the Commission of the European Communities in the context of the CEC Programme of Research on Plant Productivity. The main aim of the Seminar was to contribute to the elaboration of reliable quantitative methods for glucosinolate determination in rapeseeds. Fourty Experts from thirteen countries participated in this Seminar. Original contributions which were considered of special importance for the...
This publication contains proceedings of a Seminar on GLUCOSINOLATES IN RAPESEEDS - Analytical Aspects, held in Gembloux (Belgium) from 1 to 3 October...
The Second International Oat Conference. of which these are the proceedings.was heldat Aberystwyth. 15-18 July.1985. In thebusiness meeting heldatthecloseof theFirstInternational Oat Workshop that was held at PennsylvaniaStateUniversity in 1982. an Internat i ona1 Organsi i ng Committee under the chairmanship of Or KJ Frey was electedto organisethe next conference.and Aberystwyth was proposed and agreed as the venue. The final date of the Second Conferenceand the out 1i ne of the programme. inc1udi ng selection of the rnain speakers. was agreed by the Internat i ona1 Committee but 1oca1...
The Second International Oat Conference. of which these are the proceedings.was heldat Aberystwyth. 15-18 July.1985. In thebusiness meeting heldatthec...
The use of aromatic plants has been practised since ancient times as is evidenced by records of Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman origin; recent findings in Pakistan prove that it goes as far back as 5000 years. Accordingly, the importance and value ascribed to them were always high. Either as a medicine, a foodstuff, a seasoning, a cosmetic or an element of religious rituals the aromatic plant was indispensable. It is not to be forgotten that desire tor the riches of India - spices among which - and the struggle to monopolize the trade of the latter con tributed to the opening...
The use of aromatic plants has been practised since ancient times as is evidenced by records of Chinese, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Greek and Roman origi...