La presente etude examine les principaux defis auxquels Madagascar est confrontee et plaide en faveur d'une refonte immediate du systeme d'education post-fondamental. Ce rapport documente les resultats mediocres de l'education post-fondamental aux plans de la qualite et de la pertinence de l'enseignement, de l'efficacite interne du systeme, de l'equite et de l'inefficience financiere. Il recommande de proceder a une serie de reformes, qui s'enchaineraient suivant un ordre de priorite, afin d'ameliorer les contenus educatifs en tenant compte des liens avec l'economie; d'etendre la couverture...
La presente etude examine les principaux defis auxquels Madagascar est confrontee et plaide en faveur d'une refonte immediate du systeme d'education p...
With challenges similar to those faced by a number of low income countries, Madagascar faces critical policy choices with respect to post-basic education. Enrolment ratios in senior secondary education and tertiary education are 10 percent and 3 percent, respectively, among the lowest in the world. Critical skill shortages and pervasive inequities in access necessitate changes in the quantity and quality of education and skills. The increasing number of basic education completers and demographic growth are mounting pressure on the government to expand access to post-basic education....
With challenges similar to those faced by a number of low income countries, Madagascar faces critical policy choices with respect to post-basic educat...
Les gouvernements subissent une pression considerable alors qu ils s efforcent de repondre aux objectifs de l acces a l education a tous les niveaux, de l ecole primaire a l enseignement superieur. L incapacite des institutions educatives du secteur public, particulierement dans les pays en developpement, a absorber le nombre croissant d etudiants a tous les niveaux de l enseignement a vu l emergence des ecoles et IES (Institutions d Enseignement Superieur) privees. Ce document examine brievement l experience internationale de la reglementation de l enseignement prive au niveau des ecoles et...
Les gouvernements subissent une pression considerable alors qu ils s efforcent de repondre aux objectifs de l acces a l education a tous les niveaux, ...
This survey assembles recent theoretical and empirical advances in the literature on economic informality and analyzes the causes and costs of informality in developed and developing economies. Using recent evidence, the survey discusses the nature and roots of informal economic activity across countries, distinguishing between informality as the result of -exclusion- and -exit.- The survey provides an extensive review of recent international experience with policies aimed at reducing informality, in particular, policies that facilitate the formalization process, create a framework for the...
This survey assembles recent theoretical and empirical advances in the literature on economic informality and analyzes the causes and costs of informa...
China s recent economic growth has expanded industrialization and urbanization, upgraded consumption, increased social mobility, and initiated a shift from an agricultural-based economy to one based on services and industry. However, more than half of China s population still lives in rural areas, where the average per capital income is less than a third of the urban average. The government of China has increased its commitment to rural development and poverty-reduction programs, with attention to narrowing the rural-urban divide. Informatization defined as the transformation of an economy...
China s recent economic growth has expanded industrialization and urbanization, upgraded consumption, increased social mobility, and initiated a shift...
Le Burundi cherche a realiser des progres en matiere de resultats de sante, notamment pour ses populations les plus pauvres, mais le Burundi doit avant tout surmonter ses faiblesses en matiere de gestion des depenses publiques et les inefficiences en matiere d'allocation des ressources dans le secteur de la sante. Etude sur le financement de la sante au Burundi analyse les depenses de sante et la gestion des depenses au Burundi afin d'appuyer les efforts faits par le gouvernement pour passer de l'urgence humanitaire au developpement durable du systeme de sante. Ce livre met l'accent sur...
Le Burundi cherche a realiser des progres en matiere de resultats de sante, notamment pour ses populations les plus pauvres, mais le Burundi doit avan...
The Democratic Republic of Congo faces the challenge of providing universal primary education and expanding opportunities for post-secondary education and training for its youth, ages 12 to 24. This study analyzes the current educational attainment and school enrollment status of youth, as well as the formal and informal post-secondary educational and training opportunities available to them. The study uses the results of a simulation model that incorporates enrollment in alternative education programs and considers alternative scenarios for developing the post-primary sector. Each scenario...
The Democratic Republic of Congo faces the challenge of providing universal primary education and expanding opportunities for post-secondary education...
Telecommunications sector policy-makers and regulators have a wide range of instruments available to them that can be used to increase access to telecommunications services in rural and low-income areas. The paper provides a review of these instruments, evaluating them against a set of criteria. It then goes on to identify a number of them that are worthy of further consideration by policy-makers and regulators while demonstrating that the effectiveness of the identified instruments can be greatly enhanced by the establishment of a conducive legal, regulatory and institutional framework. The...
Telecommunications sector policy-makers and regulators have a wide range of instruments available to them that can be used to increase access to telec...
This paper provides an overview of remittances and migration between Honduras and the United States and analyzes the remittance regulatory and market environment, including financial inclusion strategies, transnational economic activities, and the impact of remittances on the Honduran economy. 'The U.S.-Honduras Remittance Corridor' makes policy recommendations to the authorities of Honduras and the United States, especially for regulatory reforms that promote the integrity and efficiency of money transfer businesses. We also recommend the development of financial infrastructures in rural...
This paper provides an overview of remittances and migration between Honduras and the United States and analyzes the remittance regulatory and market ...
Rural energy's importance to the Bangladesh economy cannot be underestimated, The problems rural people face in obtaining safe, clean, and reliable energy supplies are not minor inconveniences. People are cooking with biomass fuels including large amounts of leaves and grass that expose them harmful indoor air pollution. They light with kerosene or sometimes candles which give off a dim light that hampers studying and reading in the evening. Finally, rural productivity suffers because of lack of access to modern energy. However, the picture also is not all bleak. This study underscores how...
Rural energy's importance to the Bangladesh economy cannot be underestimated, The problems rural people face in obtaining safe, clean, and reliable en...