Advocates of pluralist, competitive politics have regarded decentralization as a device for deepening democracy or for prying closed systems open and to give interest groups space in which to organize, compete and otherwise assert themselves. Some politicians in central governments see it as a means of delegating expensive tasks to others lower down. From a political economy perspective, this study examines the origins of the current wave of decentralizations in less-developed countries and its implications, especially its promise and limitations for rural development. It is based mainly on...
Advocates of pluralist, competitive politics have regarded decentralization as a device for deepening democracy or for prying closed systems open and ...
This book evaluates the quality of financial accountability and transparency in Bangladesh and makes recommendations for improvement. It compares the financial management standard and practices with respect to public funds. This book also examines what it takes to qualify Bangladesh for programmatic or sector lending in replacement of all individual project lending. Concerning private funds, it assesses the regulatory activities of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the two Stock Exchanges, Bangladesh Bank, NGO Affairs Bureau and the...
This book evaluates the quality of financial accountability and transparency in Bangladesh and makes recommendations for improvement. It compares the ...
In 2000, over half of all Guatemalans--about 6.4 million people--lived in poverty, with about 16% living in extreme poverty. Guatemala rates among the worst in Latin America and the Caribbean for life expectancy, infant mortality and maternal mortality and while the education sector has made progress there are still important biases against the poor. Similarly, progress has also been made in the provision of basic utilities however, important gaps and disparities remain. 'Poverty in Guatemala' is part of a collaborative multi-year program of analytical work and technical assistance (the...
In 2000, over half of all Guatemalans--about 6.4 million people--lived in poverty, with about 16% living in extreme poverty. Guatemala rates among the...
'The Road to Sustained Growth in Jamaica' is part of the World Bank Country Study series. These reports are published with the approval of the subject government to communicate the results of the Bank's work on the economic and related conditions of member countries to governments and to the development community. Jamaica's economic history is a story of paradoxes and potential. It has an English-speaking and a reasonably well-educated labor force, is close to the world's largest market, the United States, and has an abundance of natural beauty that has spurred tourism. Many of its social and...
'The Road to Sustained Growth in Jamaica' is part of the World Bank Country Study series. These reports are published with the approval of the subject...
Inequality and Economic Development in Brazil is part of the World Bank Country Study series. These reports are published with the approval of the subject government to communicate the results of the Bank's work on the economic and related conditions of member countries to governments and to the development community. Excessive income inequality is unfair and undesirable on ethical grounds and can bring adverse effects on economic growth, health outcomes, social cohesion, and crime. Excessively unequal initial conditions are likely to lead to a perverse cycle of weak social mobility. Such is...
Inequality and Economic Development in Brazil is part of the World Bank Country Study series. These reports are published with the approval of the sub...
This report considers a number of important issues including the reform in the national social security system, pension regime for government workers, funded pension plans to supplement the national social security system, and funded plans to guarantee pension benefits or to supplement them. It examines the inter-linkages and balance between them as well as suggesting remedies.
This report considers a number of important issues including the reform in the national social security system, pension regime for government workers,...
'China: Overcoming Rural Poverty' assesses the state of poverty in China at the end of the 1990s. The book also evaluates the most effective and efficient means of overcoming the remaining absolute poverty in the new decade. It focuses on China's absolute poor who are increasingly concentrated in remote and mountainous townships and villages. The report places considerable emphasis on the macroeconomic context, and finds that the trends in poverty reduction in the 1990s have been partly determined by larger macroeconomic trends.
'China: Overcoming Rural Poverty' assesses the state of poverty in China at the end of the 1990s. The book also evaluates the most effective and effic...
The Czech Republic arrived at the end of the 1990s with an unfinished transformation agenda. Especially apparent were the lingering problems in the major banks and large segments of the corporate sector which led to an unsatisfactory economic performance. The root cause for the poor performance stems from the weak internal and external mechanisms of corporate governance. While the Czech government has made efforts to improve the situation, there are still elements of the restructuring agenda that remain largely absent. This report aims to assist the Czech authorities in their ongoing efforts...
The Czech Republic arrived at the end of the 1990s with an unfinished transformation agenda. Especially apparent were the lingering problems in the ma...
'Early retirement and lax eligibility for disability are bad for the economy because they reduce labor productivity and the supply of experienced workers, and they are bad for the system because they impose a heavy financial burden that makes it nonsustainable.' Costa Rica is at a turning point with respect to its social security system. While half the work force is covered and beneficiaries have fared well in the past, the pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension system is unsustainable for the future. This publication describes the present pension system, its shortcomings, and defends the need for...
'Early retirement and lax eligibility for disability are bad for the economy because they reduce labor productivity and the supply of experienced work...
A combination of economic development, improved education, increased access to safe water, and improved basic health programs has enabled Honduras to improve the health status of its population over the last three decades an accomplishment of which the country can be justly proud. This paper examines the achievements of the Honduran health sector and discusses the challenges that need to be faced to modernize public sector financing, to improve public sector service provision, and to develop an appropriate policy and regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals and social security."
A combination of economic development, improved education, increased access to safe water, and improved basic health programs has enabled Honduras to ...