If you were an antonym, you would mean the opposite of another word. You could be FAST or SLOW, HOT or COLD, or RIGHT or WRONG. What else could you be if you were an antonym?
If you were an antonym, you would mean the opposite of another word. You could be FAST or SLOW, HOT or COLD, or RIGHT or WRONG. What else could you be...
If you were a preposition, you would connect a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentence. You could go WITH you friends INTO the movie theater. What else could you do if you were a preposition?
If you were a preposition, you would connect a noun or pronoun to other words in a sentence. You could go WITH you friends INTO the movie theater. Wha...
If you were a synonym, you would mean the same thing, or almost the same thing, as another word. You could be BIG, HUGE, or GIGANTIC. What else could you be if you were a synonym?
If you were a synonym, you would mean the same thing, or almost the same thing, as another word. You could be BIG, HUGE, or GIGANTIC. What else could ...
If you were a pronoun, you would take the place of a noun. You could be HE, SHE, HER, OR HIM. You could be EVERYONE or ANYONE. What else could you be if you were a pronoun?
If you were a pronoun, you would take the place of a noun. You could be HE, SHE, HER, OR HIM. You could be EVERYONE or ANYONE. What else could you be ...