During 2013, Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction show, celebrates its 50th birthday. Published to celebrate the Doctor's anniversary, this book provides a valuable record of the Matt Smith Doctor, who arrived in 2010 and is set to bow out in this year's Christmas special. This first book devoted solely to the Steven Moffat/Matt Smith era is written by experts on the Doctor. It is wide-ranging and varied in viewpoint and explores such issues as the performance of the Doctor, the gothic and fairy tale genres, the portrayal of history on screen, gender and...
During 2013, Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction show, celebrates its 50th birthday. Published to celebrate the Doctor's an...
During 2013, Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction show, celebrates its 50th birthday. Published to celebrate the Doctor's anniversary, this book provides a valuable record of the Matt Smith Doctor, who arrived in 2010 and is set to bow out in this year's Christmas special. This first book devoted solely to the Steven Moffat/Matt Smith era is written by experts on the Doctor. It is wide-ranging and varied in viewpoint and explores such issues as the performance of the Doctor, the gothic and fairy tale genres, the portrayal of history on screen, gender and...
During 2013, Doctor Who, the world's longest running science fiction show, celebrates its 50th birthday. Published to celebrate the Doctor's an...