Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the former West Midlands County are collectively known as the WestMidlands. This book includes several sites and some site accounts considerably expanded. It is the useful tool for
Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the former West Midlands County are collectively known as the WestMidlands....
All birders enjoy the excitement of birding abroad. This title covers top birding sites which are within easy travelling distance of 60 of the world's largest city centres. It includes travel and access information as well as overviews of the sites' habita
All birders enjoy the excitement of birding abroad. This title covers top birding sites which are within easy travelling distance of 60 of the world's...
The best birdwatching sites in Devon and Cornwall are covered in this guide. Each site is considered in terms of 'Habitat', 'Timing', 'Access' and 'Calendar', allowing birdwatchers to get the best out of their excursions. Included are detailed maps of the regions.
The best birdwatching sites in Devon and Cornwall are covered in this guide. Each site is considered in terms of 'Habitat', 'Timing', 'Access' and 'Ca...
The best birdwatching sites in Britain are covered in this guide. Included are detailed maps of the larger sites, plus general maps of the regions covered. Each site is considered in terms of habitat and access, allowing birders to get the best out of their excursions.
The best birdwatching sites in Britain are covered in this guide. Included are detailed maps of the larger sites, plus general maps of the regions cov...
Ethiopia is a popular birding destination. This new slim volume is an authoritative guide to the best birding sites, lavishly illustrated with photographs and maps.
Ethiopia is a popular birding destination. This new slim volume is an authoritative guide to the best birding sites, lavishly illustrated with photogr...
This region embraces an impressive range of habitats from the Pyrenees to the sun-drenched Catalan coast. As a consequence the area is rich in birdlife and full of potential for visiting birders. Almost 200 sites are described in terms of habitat, access and the species to be seen.
Where to Watch Birds in Northern and Eastern Spain includes comprehensive coverage of all thirteen autonomous regions, a descriptive list of all the resident, visiting and rare birds to be found, as well as advice on watching seabirds from key sites like Estaca de Bares.
This region embraces an impressive range of habitats from the Pyrenees to the sun-drenched Catalan coast. As a consequence the area is rich in bird...